I'm thinking we start with a character sheet, eh? [center][URL=http://s860.photobucket.com/user/Biohazard22/media/tumblr_mubzh0cbOZ1r9exvdo2_r5_500_zps3481c873.jpg.html][IMG]http://i860.photobucket.com/albums/ab167/Biohazard22/tumblr_mubzh0cbOZ1r9exvdo2_r5_500_zps3481c873.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Name[/b] Che'thla [b]Gender[/b] Female [b]Age[/b] 22 y.o [b]Occupation[/b] Dragon specialist [b]Magical ability[/b] Minor fire manipulation [b]Personality[/b] Che'thla is a very elusive individual who prefers solitude as company and would only trade her peace and quiet for the presence of a dragon. She is passionate and dedicated, and has a gift for dragon interaction. In spite of her preference for withdrawal, Che'thla is known for her impetuousness and determination which is why she is rapidly advancing through her people's ranks, currently aiming at becoming the leader's adviser. She is very instinctive, a trait nurtured by her experience with dragons and more open-minded than the vast fear-mongering majority that makes up her tribe. [b]History[/b] Che'thla belongs to a disgraced and now nameless House that has been erased from history, but that at some point had assisted the Targaryens with dragon psychology and training. When the divide between the two occured, the ones who had been stripped of their rights and name grabbed a stash of dragon eggs and fled the seven kingdoms taking refuge in Essos and chose to live in secrecy, tending to the remaining dragons as they helplessly awaited for the inevitable death of those left scattered across the territory that was once their home. Che'thla's tribe is referred to as the Barbarians of Essos and they are regarded as undesirables. Their history and the existence of dragons, however remain a safe secret even among the more seasoned intellectuals of the continent. Che'thla's ambition, however, is to rebuild honour for her family on the fruitful history they had created before the occurrence of the Divide as well as ensure a safer and freer existence for dragons everywhere. [/center]