Thovren's van pulled into a secluded spot several alleys down from the bustling nightclub. He never liked to go in head first if he could help it. He unjacked himself from his vehicle and quickly moved to the back of his “mobile drone command centre” He pulled the control rig into his lap and jacked himself in. He subsribed one of his minidrones and hooked into it personally. The small metal dragonfly zoomed out of an open window and down the dark alleyway. Just as two pretty young girls were being admitted inside the drone flew in and hovered her the ceiling to remain out of sight. Everything the drone could see was being displayed through his cybernetic eyes. Carefully going over every detail in the offensivly coloured room. If he had his biological eyes the flashing lights would have blinded him or at least caused great discomfort and pain. But he was able to push past that and he focused on taking the drone slowly around the room. Invesitagting shadowy corners and individuals. Looking for the fixer or the Mr. Jhonston. He was about to give up and go in personally when a pretty young girl, probably his age wearing bright noticable clothes made her way through the crowd with purpose towards a wall. The drone hovered over her with interest as she opened a door he did not notice before. He nodded to himself in the van and the drone came wizzing back at full speed towards its home. When it landed Thovren disconnected himself from his machine and sighed. Unjacking himself and carefully placed the drone in a simple toolbox with its twin to keep them free of dust and jostling. He laid them in with loving care, very gentle like one would lay the body of a loved one in a coffin. Assuming he could afford a coffin. With that done he reached for his gas mask and securely attached it to his face. His predator was next. The comfortable and heavy pistol resting securely at his side. With one final pat on the top of his Doberman as if it was a real pet and not a four wheel gun drone. He stepped out of his van and placed his maglock on the doors. The walk through the dark alleys was like any in the seedier parts of seattle. Going to a job he was reasonably certain he would not be jumped or mugged. His employers would want this place clean and their assests intact before the job starts. He made no effort to push past the ork, he simply gave the name “Thovren” and waved off the attempted information he already new about the door. The throng of people was more challenging without agumented muscles. Or the willingess to dance. He hated this place. The noise was powerful, the lights were to bright and even though they were not sunlight they were making his hands itch. He took a less direct but easier route along the walls, where the throng of people was at its thinnest. Some people starred at his obvious cybernetic forearm. Synthskin was to espensive. And in his opinion rather unecessary. He found the door. When he stepped through the sight that met him was, unexpected. It was far better furnished than most rooms where these deals took place. It was a welcome change. He noticed a handful of others, quite unlike the foreigners playing poker who were sitting against the wall. He lifted his cybernetic arm and scratched the chin hidden under his mask before taking his own seat. He didn't like being away from his workshop and his drones. He felt more comfortable around technology than people. Maybe that was why he took tot he new forearm so well? Who knows. It was as good an answer as any. The lithe elf sat lightly in the chair and surveyed as much about to room as he was able. “So...” he began without looking at anyone in particular. “I suppose your all here for job.” this wouldn't be the first time he was thrown together with a team.