As Elize continued to plan her next big game event, more girls, all various classes and backgrounds. Some native to the country, other's were foreign like her. Were they all part of the same school? Elize's brow furrowed as she began to scan the school's social networks, seeing if she could find any similarities. As another girl, she later learned was named Rina commented on her game sounding fun. Rina smiled as she looked up from the LCD screen. "It's pretty fun! Me and a bunch of friends back home play World of Blades. It's mainly an all girl group, so we have a blast! You're welcome to join us tonight if you want." She offered helpfullly, remembering what it was like when she started gaming was awkward. When she found her group, she had so much more fun. She used to be so much more withdrawn, but that game seemed to help her come out of her shell. She could find links between people, groups to work together. even strategies on the big bads of the game. So she felt it was her duty to welcome anyone interested into that world. Elize noted the new man who entered the room with a curiosity. Something just screamed "off" about him. Asides he reeked of military. There was something odd about his arms, but Elize dismissed it. She had been awake a little too long again, and running off caffeine and energy bars. They seemed almost shiny...,maybe? "That can't be right?" maybe he just came from a spa? Dismissing that from her thoughts when he mentioned the subsidiary of the game company that offered her the trip, along with the beta test and the apartment she'd been set up in. "SEED?" Elize assumed they were just some stuffy publisher that bankrolled the dev company. Did they actually need her for something? Her heart began to beat faster as the other girls began to stammer their own responses. Did they know who SEED really was? Closing her laptop, Elize met the woman's gaze as she quietly closed her laptop. "You guys paid for me to be here, I don't see how I can say no..."