Hi Navy_Vet. Hope you wont be too rude with me here ;) [b]Name:[/b] Gregory Haydeth [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Occupation:[/b] (Need to think about this. Some more info on the types of jobs people needed to be done in the vaults would help.) [b]Personality:[/b] Greg thinks a lot, he isn't a quiet person but when he speaks, he knows what he's saying. He always longed for the freedom he once had. When he was 12, he had to get into this damned Vault but finally they got out and Greg now feels no one can stop him. He wants to build a healthy, honest and efficient society, breaking the bonds with the culture of the destructive ancestors of humanity. He will fight for his community, and ready to take every sacrifice for for the good of the many and civilisation.