" Thank the gods! Your kindness saved me twice!" Laughing heartily, the towering Ross, son of the Great Garcia patted his benefactor upon the back, a gesture of gratitude. However, the behemoth's open palm felt like a heavy pan colliding in between Yorik's shoulders. "" Muttered the humble farmer as he rubbed his sore appendage. Looking upon his guest, the young man could see the battle tested physique an obvious explanation to Ross' unrestrained strength. "Think nothing of it Sir Ross, it is my duty to aide all denizens of-" Before Yorik could finish and go into an enamoured tangent on his hero saviour Chrom, Ross stopped in his tracks, his eyes darting across the estate. "Hold, something is amiss!" Caught off guard in mid sentence, Yorik walked on ahead a few paces. Hearing the Beserker's words, the humble farmer turned around only to be knocked over by Ross sprinting past him. "They are overcooking the porridge! The Invincible Ross hates burnt stew!!!" The hulking man raced past a bewildered Yorik. As the young farmer spun on his heels, he noticed two more visitors near the barn. His vision was blurred from the spin, thus he could not make out who these people were. Toppling over and lying prone upon the field, the herd of sheep and equine cheered in amusement. Laughing and crawling through playful nibbles and nudges, Yorik tried to get a better look at his new visitors. " Stop it!" Chuckled Yorik as he weaved through his animal companions. "Hello!!!" Yelled the farm hand, he could not see the two visitors as his flock of animals either affectionately coddled at him or began to meander upon the estate. It was an odd scene to say the least. Roaming sheep and horses and their caretaker rolling upon the dirt, surrounded by some of his cheery animals. A lone hand sticking out from sheep's wool and horse manes, waving at the thief and tactician duo.