[i]Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.[/i] Isla thought to herself as she jogged around the sidewalks of London. Makeup-less and long dark hair pulled back, she looked like any average citizen. Down to her sweats and K-Swiss sneakers. She’d woken at 5am, like every morning, and found herself unable to go back to sleep. To even get to sleep at night she took tablet after tablet of melatonin, looking for rest and yet some experience so deep that dreams could not permeate her mind. Nightmares. The dark. They haunted her. If she could she’d never sleep. The night time was where she flourished after all, and having to abide by society’s norm of waking in the light forced her mind into the routine she’d come to presently. By 8am she was back to her apartment and showering, changing into some white flared jeans and a [url= http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/89/a5/8a/89a58aeb8f276545ddf70a879a520625.jpg]sweater[/url]. She affixed her bracelet to her wrist, the one she could use as a weapon if so needed, and lifted her slouchy shirt up over her chest. She wrapped the belly band holster around her waist and slid in her gun and knife, lowering her shirt once more. Isla let her half dry hair fall into natural curls as she began putting on her makeup, cellphone vibrating on the side of her dresser. Only half paying attention, she reached over and flipping it open as an audio message played from work. Nodding, Isla finished up quickly, slipping into some dark navy heels, and leaving her building. Upon arriving, she headed straight towards the East Wing, and conference room 345B. As she walked smoothly but with purpose, her mind went over the last months she’d been involved in the Hounds. She knew it was not what she wanted to do, as it was not on her own terms, but it was better than prison. When Isla, better known as Raven, entered the room, her large eyes scanned over the others, nodding in greeting with a closed lip smile, before finding a seat closer to those she knew best- Striker and Rune.