Lucas nodded to himself as Kennedy explained the mission. "Freakin' lowlifes, stealin' from the poor." Lucas said to himself as he got up and stretched. Then, the strangest thing Lucas had ever seen in his short life had happened. A portal to a broken down, soggy, prison looking hellhole opened up in the Knights' meeting place. Everyone else had noticed it too, so he wasn't hallucinating. In fact, Val had reached in, and pulled a man who mas beating an obviously weaker man. out. Lucas questioned his sanity while Val was beating the tar out of him. More guards attempted to join in the fray before Mason downed some Murder of Crows and promptly fired it at them, the birds providing a nice distraction. Lucas slammed six bullets into the chamber of his Paddywhacker and lined up a shot, before firing, end the life of one of the guards, and spraying viscera on his friends. Lucas then unloaded the rest of his clip on the crowd, killing three more guardsmen before the familiar click notified Lucas that he needed to reload. "Cover me, I'm reloading!" Lucas said, as he scrambled for more bullets.