Hello, hello!! [img=http://33.media.tumblr.com/f8335b783793108e06e1f541cb09be19/tumblr_mx3joxSEIk1t2qnhao1_400.jpg] Name: Demetria Ress Age: 23 Occupation: Demetria works as a nurse as well as a therapist. Her mother was the same, teaching Demetria the ways. She sat in countless sessions with her mother, listening to the sadistic stories of so many who now faced a life in the vault. The mental damage that many faced became so great, it became more important than their own. When Demetria turned 18, she took her mother's place. Personality: often times serious, in deep thought, and quiet, Demetria finds herself on the lonesome side of a social lane. Her developed view of people has grown to see them as stories and diagnosed problems rather than just people, and this includes herself. She can become easily flustered when taking orders or not being in control, a self independent issue that sometimes causes a work problem. Besides that, she's great at what she does. Backstory: Demetria was only about 3 when her mother escaped with her into the vault. They had been led by Demetria's father, a man who's occupation is still unknown to Demetria, her mother never revealing it. It was repeated often as Demetria grew that her father had promised healers, and they were to be those healers. Her childhood is just slur of people crying and hitting things, blood, coughing. She felt out of herself, outside of a world, watching from the side lines. As a teenager, her mother went mute, and stopped being able to do her work. Demetria had to take first seat and care for her mom who was slipping away more and more each day. With the small amount of people, it was known by everyone what was going on. Demetria was the crazy nurse's daughter, and it was expected for her to turn out the same. "Like mother, like daughter." Her mother died when she was 18, and as awful as she felt, it was a bit of a lift off of her as well. Her emotional displacement brushed it off, and she went on with responsibility. Now, five years later, she get's to return to an outside world she hardly remembers. She is unsure if whether her father will still be alive, but hardly cares if so. She has a job to do, people to keep healthy, and that is that.