Time passed, with each bag and sack and luggage he pulled from the water. The sun was still high in the sky, the water was cool, refreshing, and salty. Even though Charlie started off this endeavour with all of his wet clothing on, with the passage of time, he did shed most of it till he was only in his rolled up and unbuttoned uniform dress shirt. His under shirt, uniform vest, his socks, tie, and his one shoe...they were all neatly laid out on the luggage, quickly drying in the bright sunlight. Wading quietly in the water, and watching the small shallow's fish flee away or around him through the lenses of his glasses, he spotted one last, large piece of luggage for his general area. Rolling up his sleeves, which sagged back down a second later, Charlie ventured forward to slightly deeper waters. Reaching forward, he grabbed a strap and pulled the thing to him. It was not too heavy, but he spent much of the time dragging it through and over the wet sand with some difficulty. Trying to bring it to the rest of the bags, all neatly arranged in rows for easy access to each one... *BUMP* The luggage, as he dragged it, seemed to bump into something, snag onto...trying to pull it over whatever, it didn't budge much. Letting out a small, frustrated huff, he let the bag rest and knelt down to inspect that it got stuck on. Two sandy bumps, one small and round, the other larger, round, and smooth. With this inspection, he had a sudden chill rush up his spine as he shifted closer and began to brush some sand off of them. Why? Maybe to make the removal of the stones easier, or maybe...somewhere inside, he knew...scoping out a handful of sand, he found himself faced with the dead eye of some-- [b]"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!"[/b]