[quote=Erranruin] Name: KaedeAge: 49Job Class: Ronin Half DemonWeapon: Kaede is kinda a walking armoury but her main weapon is her Katana along with her Chain weapon and the daggers she keeps on her person.Clothing: She doesnt have a very well developed sense of modesty so generally she wears things that are easier to move in, sometimes infiltrating Shinobi gear while other times stereotypical samurai attire.Height: 5'2Appearance: Personality: Kaede has a war leader mentality. She has spent a great portion of her life on the battlefield, siegeing castles and defending borders. This has skewed her personality more towards distrust and anger and aggression. However she has a warmth in her, a blunt empathetic streak for those she cares about and a bold charismatic laugh. She likes to drink and she likes to love and she enjoys songs and tales and games, though very few would ever know it. In the line of duty she has no time for foolishness or emotional displays and she comes down hard on anyone displaying such. As a rule she dislikes men, her appearance and way of life having been challenged and degraded by almost every male she had ever met, the only exception being her elder brother. She is dedicated and loyal, not one for deception or betrayal and she is someone who enjoys devoting herself to a cause.History: Kaede's mother was a noble lady from a very prominent family, daughter to a feudal lord and relative of the Emperor. A strange and mysterious stranger arrived at her court, a man with elegant and regal dress and with great scholarly knowledge. He was welcomed by her father and gradually as the pair began to know eachother better they grew closer, this mysterious man wooing her very capably and with passionate fervour. She was lovestruck and the pair married soon after with permission from her father. The lady was slightly perplexed by some of her husband's activities and hobbies, going out late at night and sometimes leaving her for days on trips that he only vaguely described when he returned. However she was not one to pry over-much and she loved her husband so she naturally accepted his faults. A year after their marriage, everything changed. The Lady gave birth to a baby girl with a shock of red hair, red eyes and a strange red symbol on her brow. Her husband dismissed her very anxious concerns about her, saying that their baby was simply special. They named her Kaede for the maple leaf colour of her hair and everything seemed fine. But Kaede's mother was no longer complacent and she began looking deeper into her Husband's activities. She became distant from her child and obsessed with discovering her husband's secrets, enevitably finding out eventually that her Husband was in fact a very old and powerful Tengu, a Crow Demon. She went completely mad, trying to murder her own daughter and screaming and cursing her whole family. Kaede's father was forced to save her from her mother's violent outbursts, sadly abandoning his beloved wife and taking his little daughter far away to his mountain home when she was only a year old. There she met her two half siblings, both being full demons and absolutely delighted to know her finally. An elder brother named Maroku and a second eldest sister called Kirara. They both accepted her warmly into their family and her father raised her with love and pride. Kaede grew up headstrong and determined, her demon family sheilding her from encounters with other demons until she was old enough to understand the danger she was in. She wanted to help her family somehow, knowing that as she was she would never be any use. So she trained as a warrior, passionately training day after day to become a greater and better warrior who could look out for herself and not burden her family. Eventually she left the mountains, knowing that she had to make her own way in the world. She encountered every possible type of person, some would curse her and drive her away for her red hair and strange eyes while others would ignore that about her and see to her great strength and talent. She befriended many lords or Samurai who persuaded her into their army against some opposing lord or brigand. She helped many people but never truly stayed anywhere, her life becoming a long string of battles and blood.She lost many friends and even a Lover, a young Kunoichi with a fierce yet sweet heart. They were together for a long time, the longest Kaede had ever spent in one place, they loved eachother greatly. But the girl died on a suicide mission for her lord, one that Kaede had begged her not to take. The girl had refused, she was too dedicated for that and even though Kaede had tried to follow her she had not been fast enough, her lover dying in her arms. After that she had left once more to wander the land and pick up causes to fight for, endeavouring to find her place.Strengths:Good LeaderKaede has alot of experience with leading others and making people want to follow her. Her determination and honorable personality, along with her charismatic way of being, tends to make people want her to lead them.Demon powersKaede has a strong endurance for almost everything be it pain, noise, trauma or poison. She can take alot of damage and still be fighting as well as being able to hold her liquor twice as well as any strong man. She hits harder than a normal human soldier as well as having better reflexes. She also has a very subtle supernatural ability, being able to instill fear in the hearts of her enemies. A weak-willed person might run from her while someone of strong heart would quake under her gaze. Weapon MasterKaede had alot of access to weaponry and good tutors as a child. Her brother was encouraging as well as her father and so she has always been able to pick up any weapon and use it at an intermediate level at the very least. She has mastered the Katana as well as hand-to-hand combat and is generally an armoury on legs.Weakness: Mental:1) She has great trouble controlling her anger when not on a mission and the number of times she causes riots because of her demonic appearance and violent manner gets ridiculous.2) She easily insults people and doesnt like to apologise or acknowledge she did anything wrong. She generally thinks people should just get over it and grow up.Physical:1) She lost advanced sight in her eye at some battle she cant even remember. She can now only detect changes in light levels and some vague movement in that eye. 2) She is reckless with her safety and body, often pushing herself way too far and nearly getting herself killed a bunch of times. 3) She is definately not quiet, infiltration is not her forte she does serious battle or harsh diplomacy.Likes: Laughing, drinking, touching and hugging people, battle, singing, readingDislikes: painting, embroidery, manners, men, hypocrisy, overly-sensitive people, cowards Dream: She wants to find a place where she is needed and accepted with people she loves and wants to protect and who want to protect her.Fear: She fears becoming useless and unloved, losing all the people she cares about and not being strong enough to save those she wants to save. [/quote] Accepted