[hider=Syn] Name: Syn Race: Winged Serpent Age: Undetermined Gender: Male Appearance: As a [url=http://data2.whicdn.com/images/86884274/large.jpg]human[/url], Syn only stands at roughly five foot three with a rather slender form. Nothing on him as a human really stands out, his hair is plainly black, his eyes a dull shade of green, his skin only slightly tanned without any apparent flaws to be noted. He does have a lip ring on the left side of his bottom lip, but otherwise... there is really nothing special to report. It is only when he takes on his [url=http://o12.metroflog.com/pictures/771/66/6/888666771_HSUCAUFHEAWWXRO.jpg]true form[/url] that he takes on any real appealing 'beauty', at least in his eyes. No matter what size he decides to take, his scales always have an intense amount of green and lighter undertones of red. His feathered wings often vary in shades of green and reds, but it is only for the feathers that sprout around his face and neck that are ever solid red. Bio: Syn's first few weeks of being in the world of humans was less than favorable. Though he had ended up in a jungle out of the way of most human constructions and contact, the adaption to the strange new world was a bit rough on him. He kept himself shrunken in size, small enough to easily move about through the trees and along the roots and riverbanks of the jungle. But he was far too flashy in color and was attacked several times. The first few times he easily fought off his attackers with a bit of lightning, a large bird, a crocodile! But the one that managed to actually catch and wound him was the cat, the large clawed beast that nearly ripped one of his wings off. But his streak of rough-going was cut short thanks to one of the natives that happened to have been hunting the jaguar that had attacked him. Instead of killing him outright after she had chased off the cat, the young woman had decided to take it upon herself to take care of the strange feathered snake instead. This lead to him being carried around upon her shoulders for several weeks with both his wings and other wounds slathered in some kind of healing salve and bandaged. She spoke to him quietly and gave him all sorts of fruits that she collected, showed him the various different plants that held some medical use, and merely all sorts of other small things like that. Being the docile, fruit-eating creature that he really was, he accept being carried about and chattered at. Even after he had recovered enough to be able to fly and move freely once again, he was most comfortable upon the young native woman's shoulders. And though he knew he could copy the human shape and communicate with her better, he saw no need and she seemed quite content with his company as a pet, even if he could not speak back to her. A painfully large 'blip' formed in Syn's memories after a run-in with another creature of the Phasing. He can't recall when his memories with the native woman ended or the events that lead up to him joining the squad. He faintly recalls being recruited, but otherwise it is all a blur. It seems to have been the only part of his memory that was affected, even the higher ups don't seem to know what happened during that time either. Skills/Powers: Shapeshifting; Considered one of his more minor abilities. Syn is able to freely change between the shape of a human and his normal form. It also seems that with this ability he is able to change the size of his normal form, which is probably a good thing, otherwise he would never be able to relax in his serpent state. He only seems to be able to do these things with his 'shapeshifting' and to top it off, if he changes too much within a given day, he gets tired very quickly and -very- hungry. He has lost quite a bit of weight this way before, it can be dangerous if he doesn't get enough to eat! Poison; Like many snakes, Syn has a bit to do with poison. He has two different kinds of toxins that he can either spit or inject into others. The first one being paralyzing. The second being corrosive. It is undetermined how effective or long-lasting they are, as it all depends on the situation and the person being attacked. Lightning; In his serpent form, Syn is able to flap his wings insanely fast, generating a great deal of static electricity. He then sucks the electricity into his mouth and can use it as a 'breath' attack. But he can gather electricity from other sources and use it in other ways as well, like a lightning bolt or a powerful jolting shock to another. He can even cause paralysis with his lightning attacks. His ability for electricity though is not limited to his serpent form, he is able to use it in his human shape as well, but he requires an outside source to collect it/generate it. Other Things of Interest; Syn, much like any of his species, has an intense diet of only fruit. He eats it constantly and it is almost unheard of to see him not eating fruit at any given time, even while working. While it does appear he can stomach other things, they make him very sick easily. Those who give him fruit easily gain his favor in just about everything, though this 'favor' generally only lasts as long as the given fruit lasts. When he changes shape far too often in a set amount of time without eating enough, he looses weight drastically! But somehow when he does not change shape all that often, he seems to retain a normal weight in his human skin, much despite how much he eats day in and day out. In his serpent form, without the shrinking modifications of his 'shapeshifting', is a hazard to everything. He is far too large to be of any good unless destroying everything and everyone is the plan. Since being in the human world, he has never once shown the true size of his form, merely stating that there really is just 'not enough space'. [/hider]