[center][img=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/230/8/5/anime_guy_by_encoretheory-d4722sd.jpg] [b]Name[/b] 四肢フリーク (Shishi furīku, or 'Furīku Shishi', as he is Japanese) [b]Age[/b] 17 [b]Unique Quality[/b] [i]Quality Modification[/i] He automatically copies and stores weaker versions of other Patient's abilities, and can switch them at will. (exe: He copies a person's ability to shoot lasers. He'll be able to shoot smaller and weaker lasers from one of his eyes instead of both). He can also very temporarily change the current weaker power he's copied and make it as powerful as it normally is to the origional user. (exe: The weaker lasers become their full size and out of both his eyes) [b]Weakness[/b] 1) An hour after he copies someone's abilities it will become unusable and he'll have to copy the power again 2) For someone to have their power copied by him, they either must be in a very positive mood (relaxed, specifically) or must be subconciously willing to let him copy their powers 1) Upon doing so, he loses the copy instantly, and he can't copy the same power again for another hour. 2) Unless he copied the power before and learned to use it well, when he copies abilities and makes them full-power he usually can't use them to their full extent due to lack of training with said abilities (however this is not evident during the weak version due to them normally being much more simple and easier to control). [b]Personality[/b] He is a very kind and honest person who'd rather give himself up to save his friends from punishment. He tries to be friends with everybody, and rarely ever insults people. He will stand up to protect his friends and overall is just a very good person with a kind heart. He is fairly clausterphobic and dislikes being in small spaces due to this, but can if needed. He's a little below-average but smart enough to pass school. He can run fast but isn't very strong nor durable. [b]Bio[/b] Shishi, Furiku's childhood was a mostly normal one. He was a nice kid who stood up and helped his friends, whether that means helping them outof trouble by saying 'he did it' or always being the one to step up for his friends, causing him to be quite popular as a kid around his Cul De Sac and school. He made average-enough grades that consisted of B's and C's, but rarely an A. At his homelife his family weren't the most wealthy people in the neighborhood, but being under-averagely wealth helped him grow up being unselfish about things and not hold too much of a grasp on the little things, and to value kindess and honesty above all else. It wasn't until a long time until he found out above his power, due to it requiring another 'Unique' person, but it changed when he found out above another kid in his neighboorhood having unique abilities. His friend was able to read thoughts, and possible with effort distort and change them. While having fun with this paticular friend and his usual neighborhood friends, his friend told him about his ability. Shishi didn't quite believe this, but he was able to easily prove it to him by demonstrating his powers on him and some of his friends. Over the period of a few days (due to the fact that he had never had his powers used before) he automatically began copying the friend's power, and the next day he was able to read the person's mind (but since it was the weak version he couldn't bend his thoughts, and only did that once he overcharged the power). Not too long later Shishi was testing the mind-reading ability on other people while he still could before it expired, but he had used it on adults, and people in charge of the Hospital found out, causing them to rush to his neighborhood and drive him to Mary St. Jude, where he will be arriving soon. [b]Notes:[/b] He can also tell what powers people have, but doesn't have much of a choice in knowing or copying their power- it's an automatic thing he can't control, besides being able to switch which power he's using[/center]