[u][center]From The Ashes[/center][/u] In the ruins of Washington DC, the world as we knew it was no longer alive. That did not kill all of us though, as many of the people fled into the metro tunnels, where they were safe from the flames of the missiles and bombs. There, time had passed like a time capsule, except the instinct to love and hate and survive flourished as people began fighting one another in the tunnels. Years have passed, and it seems the dangerous surface was able to be safely traversed despite it's winter-like conditions. Now, you are one of those metro dwellers. What do you choose to do for yourself or those around you? Heya guys! Cartwright here putting 'From The Ashes' back on the radar while it is still somewhat breathing. With only 3 Rpers due to a major drop, the RP is as open as if it were just starting. Interested in taking on the apocalypse? Your time to enter this wasteland begins [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/57379/posts/ooc]Here[/url] Have any ideas to the rp? Wanna put in your own plot? Feel free to PM me! Wish for a small recap of what is going on with the few characters still in play? Let me know and I will put it in this original post! So whaddya waiting for? Get the gas masks and weapons... Its time to enter the metro.