Lilith Ce'takchs-ni [u]Name[/u]: Lilith Ce'takchs-ni [u]Race[/u]: Demon [u]Appearance[/u]: [hider=Lilith Ce'takchs-ni][img][/img][/hider] Lilith has natural snow white hair and huge red cat like irises that contrast the color. The intensity of her eyes make her seem evil almost, making her almost unapproachable until noticing her Aura. Her eyes are fierce and piercing to the soul, when she looks at you it's almost as if she is trying to look through you into the windows of your very soul. They are an interesting match around her hair, but fit almost perfectly it seems. Her silky hair only makes her crazed and almost sadistic look even more evil. Honestly she could be mistaken for a vampire almost, having the complexion of a ghost if she were to have red eyes, not mention she drain to the sight of blood, not so much she likes it but it interest her. She smiles constantly and enjoys looking insane, she uses it to her advantage when it comes to fighting. Though inside she doesn't like that she smiles so often, she doesn't stop herself. Almost anything can make her crack a smile. She will laugh as well, almost as the stupidest of things, and showing her pearly whites. Making herself seem insane and radical, when really she tries her best to think things through. Unless she really does lose herself in fighting, which she finds happening more and more often. She doesn't mind it actually, she prefers the others think her insane and mad, better than them trying to make conversation with her, which she doesn't want. She has a weird voice to match, deeper than a lot of other girls and sort of raspy like, but high pitched enough to disprove any thoughts about her not being a girl, other than her body. She also has a very young looking appearance, almost mistaking her as a young teen and not a 1250 year old. She has and ovalish face that matches her all around weird and freaky eyes that almost make her look like a deranged lunatic, which of course isn't to far off from what she really is deep, deep, deep down. She has a snow white complexion that could almost make her blend in with a pure white wall, all around she has the complexion of casper the ghost, but this comes from a skin condition that she had, hereditary from her mother, that makes it hard for her skin to hold color, meaning she can't tan very well, what so ever truthfully. [u]Age[/u]: 1250 [u]Gender[/u]: Female [u]Bio[/u]: Lilith has seen the spoils of being a demon, and to her she can no longer stand by and witness a slaughter of others like this. There is however another side that also wanted her to become rogue. She knew no family, no friends to stand by when she thought first of how bad being a demon was, everything, the pain, the mindset, it was all a terrible experience. Damn near broke her mind to the point of no return. She left, but she was cursed, or rather her mentor, cursed her. She is forced to wear an eye patch, what lays behind that eye patch is simply an eye, but it's iris sits in the form of a star. When the eye patch is removed her true demon side is appears over her body, taking control almost. She has lived with cure for the better part of 500 years, and there are many times that she has screwed things up by revealing, this side. For now she has traveled this place, in order to feed the demon within her. However, this did not go over well with her father, who happens to be an elder demon, or that of a demon who has extreme status within the demon society. When the word of his daughter going rogue was heard, he ended up sending almost half of his force after her. She's fought for the greater part of her life trying to get away from her father and the demon society. Because of this, she has multiple scars on her body, most of them cuts, but she does have the brand of her father on her wrist, forever branding her the daughter of and elder, for this, most other demons on the spot will know who she is and what she is. There is no hiding that she is a demon, she is forever covered in the fact that she is the daughter of an elder, and for this reason, it the reason she continues to fight. A second being if you will inside Lilith arose when Lilith started to change sides, becoming a rogue. Lilith only calls her Sis, but in truth it is the darker side of her soul, no longer craving to kill other kinds, but instead craving to kill other demons. It is not all blood lusting for all demons, Sis only wants to kill those who have done wrong to both the angels and humans, other rogue demons were always safe around her, but it didn't always seem like that. Now she helps the "good" side fight against other monsters and get's to kill them without raising alarms. But do not mistake Sis, she will not hesitate to kill almost anything if it stands in the way of her killing the target. Sis is something that comes from the darkest pits of Lilith, her true side, that even she fears, and because of this curse, she is constantly tormented by this fact. [u]Skills/Powers[/u]: *Scythe Wielder- The scythe itself is an enchanted hell metal almost damn near impossible to find anymore. It is fireproof and heat proof as well as extremely hard to break. When light shines upon the weapon, it glows a red purple. The scythe collapses into a ring of a black star that fits on only Lilith's finger. To remove the weapon, you must kill the user, the user being Lilith, and cut from her middle finger on her right hand. Lilith are able to demonstrate a natural aptitude for the ways of the scythe. She is able to wield a scythe with great proficiency in speed, power, and skill, allowing herself to perform feats such as stopping and deflecting bullets, decimate large objects or areas, cutting through hard materials such as steel, and even hold back her strength to deal damage to their foes without killing them. Lilith is also able to operate with little or no effort, deliver skillful strikes to weak points with great precision and cut only and exactly what they want. This ability also allows her to become naturally skilled with multiple scythes or any bladed weapon regardless of shape or size to suit their needs in combat. Lilith is incredibly fast weapon control may allow them to bypass obstacles in order to cut their intended target. This is only one half of her full ability, second being enhanced condition, being already put at a huge disadvantage when it came to using a scythe for combat. Lilith is at the peak physical and mental condition of her human side. She can achieve great amounts of strength without any super-/unnatural methods. This usually entails that she is are faster, stronger, more intelligent and overall superior to a regular human being without being obviously supernatural. Lilith is capable of running at the speed inhuman, her stamina much like her inhuman speed is extremely increased. Her strength is superhuman, she is able to carry 1500 pounds of weight with her arms. She has increased hearing, better than human trackers, and her sense of smell is also increased. She basically has the ability of a super solider, gained from training with her mentor and being the daughter of an elder demon. She also wears an eye patch over her left eye, this allows her to fight at a huge disadvantage making her even better in the way of the scythe and hand to hand combat. This means when she takes the eye patch off, her combat skills and scythesmanship sky rocket to the levels never seen before. [u]Other Things of Interest[/u]: *Personality: Lilith is a very quiet soul, almost rarely does she talk, She hates life and everything about it, the happiness, the joy of feeling the warmth of others, like she did when she was alive. She use to show compassion but now its just simply nothingness, no regret, no anger, no happiness, just a feeling deep down of sorrow. The sorrow of never being able to take back what she did so many many many years ago, the sorrow of leaving the loved ones long dead. Also allows herself to not be the center of attention which she does not favor when not fighting. She likes the quiet in general and nothing more, she will try to end a fight as quick as possible to return to silence. She does however have a much darker side to her that many others do not know about. Her demon side, though she can hide it extremely well, craves violence and the sight of death. She loves fighting no matter how much she tries to hate it, and this side appears on the battle field. What arises is something that little to anyone alive has seen, a second personality within Lilith, a true monster. She appears on the battlefield and this will be someone you wish not to meet, for blood lust resides in this version of her, a person that Lilith calls, Sis. She can be heard sometimes whispering to Sis, arguing with her. [u]Theme Song[/u] [hider=When she walks on the BattleField][youtube]Rllfr-_dhOk[/youtube][/hider]