Upon seeing Sharon, Liaena hastily slid the vial she was holding back into her pocket again. A short pause followed in which she stared at his hand, then at him, then back at his hand. “Oh…right. Sure” Reaching out to take his offered hand, one swift tug from the High Elf was enough to pull the little human back onto her feet. Liaena immediately pulled her hand out of his to start brushing free the little bones that had got caught in her robes and her hair, and disguise how much she was still trembling. “I’m fine. I’m fine” “……” [i]“He didn’t actually ask you that, idiot”[/i] “….buut, we should still leave. Like you said. Right Now” Liaena added quickly. Casting a nervous look at the now cold and dark patterns all over the floor, she grabbed Sharons sleeve to pull him forcibly towards the door. Any objection or resistance from the High Elf simply resulted in the little human digging in her heels and dragging him even more stubbornly. There was a yell of protest from behind them as Lord Graymoon tried to awkwardly clamber down from the balcony on his own. “Hey – wait up! Sharon!” “We need to find Rithrynn [i]now[/i], okay!?” Liaena said urgently. Pausing just outside the broken doors to the chamber, she turned to unexpectedly clutch at Sharon, grabbing fistfuls of his robes as her chalky pale face looked up at his. “We need to find her, and then get out of here because this is a terrible place and we never should have come here. Don’t you see that!? Everything here is Evil” -BOOOOOOOOM- As she spoke, a distance explosion rippled through the sewers. The smaller pipes lining the walls above them clattered dangerously, and drops of foul liquid pattered down all around them. There seemed to be a few seconds where Liaena was actually pondering the possibility to herself, then she shook her head as she looked up at Sharon. “…That wasn’t me”