[indent]Gabe[/indent] stood behind Joe as he swung open the door, and instantly sprung into action. His face held no emotion, just determination, and maybe a hint of bloodlust, not that anyone could tell. Hart was moving the second Joe got out of his way. he pushed through the masses, dropping his flash bangs stealthily behind him, as not to get caught. In his ears were his headphones, which helped dampen the sound. He finally spotted a soldier, and got moving. Gabe ran towards the man, yelling for him to help. He clutched his side, acting as if he was hurt. The soldier lowered his weapon when he saw that Gabriel was "injured," Gabe grinned a feral. Gabriel chucked his grenade at the guard, it hit his trigger hand, and went off. The soldier was blind and deaf at this point, also having dropped his gun. Gabe elbowed the marine in the jaw, instantly knocking him out. Gabriel dragged the soldier into a dark corner of the airport, and went to work. [indent]Gabriel[/indent] first ripped off a strip of cloth from his shirt and gagged the man, he used another two strips to tie the man's hands and feet. Then Gabe undressed, and took the man's uniform. He stripped the marine of his weapons, and was delighted to see that this man was armed and ready to go. Gabe was surprised that these men were allowed to be this heavily armed during a quarantine. He grabbed the dropped AR-15, the man's M1911, and his sentry knuckle knife. Gabe looked over the gun, slowly figuring out how it worked. He checked the magazine, it was fully loaded, thirty bullets, there were two magazines. Gabriel holstered the pistol, slung the rifle over his back, and put his knife in the newly acquired thigh holster. [indent]Gabriel[/indent] ran back towards the bathroom, pushing past people, and yelling orders to his "comrades." He told them to go down the opposite way he had come, saying that he had seen the threat run that way. Surprisingly, they moved without hesitation. Gabe slipped back into the bathroom. He put his back against the closed door and grinned at Myztii and Joe. "That was easier than I thought it was going to be. You guys should have grabbed some better weapons. This should be easy now. All the soldiers that were blocking the doors in the east hallway are now scattered, we should be able to slip out." Gabe wondered what would be out there, things must be bad in order for an airport to be quarantined. Gabriel wondered if there would be bodies just lying around or something like that. Little did he know that there would be, except not as many, because they wouldn't be lying around, the dead would be coming after him. They would be hungry for flesh and blood........