Rune sat comfortably in his chair as his companions finished filing into the room, some more familiar than others. It always amazed him the level of "talent" the hounds were able to amass. From the oddly attractive to the strikingly bizarre it was quite the team. He chuckled to himself as he cast his gaze across the room to see so many solemn and silent faces. He gave half a smile to Olivia, "Nightingale" as she is sometimes referred. The mask she was wearing made him give a sympathetic head shake. Most of of his corps had arrived, as he continues to meet eyes with those who would actually look at him, his mind couldn't help but wonder to what misadventures they would be going on this time. The message he received on his phone replayed in his mind, this wasn't usual protocol... to do things so last-minute. The crown [i]hates[/i] a slapdash job and he couldn't imagine what could be so important? Either way they would all find out soon enough... The silence in the room was deafening. It was so quiet it made Rune feel he had to say something, instead he just went on in his head..."Between the snake-god-man, the demon, and some ancient vampire," he thought. "And then there's the bunch of rag-tag warriors, its no surprise no one trusts anybody in this place.." he joked to himself as he sighed. "It's like the Island of the Misfit Toys, only we are hell bent on giving EVIL the old "return to sender."" The thought brought a childish smile to his face that was soon wiped and replaced with his usual, casual half-grin. After all, he cant just sit here like some sort of idiot smirking away, the meeting was about to begin and he had to maintain [i]some[/I] sense of professionalism.