This is my idea of how to run this RP. I will need people who will be on daily or rarely miss to be head of a certain part of the RP. I will start the RP with the fracking mishap. I would like for volunteers to take one of the other 'incidents' so that everyone has a bit of a say in this RP. Please let me know which part you would like to take in the OOC. The parts will be as follows: 1) A radioactive asteroid shower lands which causes a giant heat wave and makes everyone miserable, cranky and short tempered. 2) A team of mad scientists creates a virus, makes large batches of this virus which are placed in hot air balloons. When the hot air balloons, land, they explode to release the virus to those around the area. 3) The nuclear war over the virus. 4) The change in the Earth's axis from the nuclear war. Mention it by number so that those who do not read the Interest Check won't know what is happening. I am off to do the interest check.