[b][center]Colonial Powers[/center][/b] [i] The year is 1700. The beginnings of superpowers are starting to form in the world and the land is becoming more and more crowded, with the discovery of new lands the powers are now beginning a deadly game in which they try to gain as much of these newly coveted lands, and whatever wealth they may bring, as they can. Furthermore advances in warfare and weapons mean that wars are becoming bloodier and more is at stake for them. However the human mind is never fulfilled and already great thinkers are coming up with new and wonderful inventions whilst the rich and powerful attempt to persuade them to aid their nation. Finally new forms of government are beginning to crop up over the world. Republic is the word on the lips of all around and senates and parliaments are being built grander than the palaces of imperial rulers, but does the representation of the people always mean the best for the country? Or is simple autocracy the most reliable and effective means of controlling the people. You will decide, you are a growing power in this suddenly much larger world, will you lead the people to fame and the history books? Or into the dirt?[/i] So this is the interest check for a NRP I am going to be running. The style and setting is one I have done in the past and so to any returning faces, welcome back, and to anybody who is new, welcome. The mechaninc have some stats since I find that this is the best way to keep things fair and nations are built off of a trait system because, from personel experience, completely free form nations can be made massively over powered. Also the stats mean no nation is amazing at everything. I will put a limit on having 8 nations in total. If there is any more interest above 8 then I will create a waiting list. I will have an OOC ready soon and hopefully I can get this started soon.