Sig got off of Spike in a rush, anger boiling within him. "You are like goddamned nursery children! Does someone always have to watch over you!?" He shouted at them while pulling up his shirt, which was slightly soaked over with blood. His mood became a very tiny bit better when he saw that there was just a deep scratch by his hip. His leg however was in a much worse condition. His jeans had dark stains of blood on them and when he pulled them up, he saw that a bullet did in fact hit him in the muscle, halfway between his knee and his ankle. "Look at this! Look! I show you a place with a ton of food and this is what I get! I almost got my kneecap busted!" He let his jeans fall and sat down on the floor behind Spike, who had his look set onto the warehouse entrance. The pain wasn't that bad now, but only because of the anger and adrenaline.