[b][center]JACK[/center] [i]Race:[/i][/b] Vampire (the explode-in-sunlight kind) [i][b]Age:[/i][/b] Old. Why keep track? (looks about 25ish) [i][b]Best genre:[/i][/b] Modern-realistic [i][b]Also fits with:[/i][/b] Medieval (low fantasy/realistic) [i][b]For best RP, bring:[/i][/b] A hunter, a crazed scientist, a werewolf, a stubborn teen/twenty-something, or whatever other tricks you have up your sleeve [i][b]Not very good with:[/i][/b] Other vampires (everyone in the same boat = *snore*) [i][b]*warning*[/i][/b] There are some clichés in here. Don't beat me up. :( [i][b]Brief bio:[/i][/b] Jack is a pro at social camouflage. He'll say hi, chit chat, and then be forgotten as soon as he leaves the scene. It's sort of an art. When he's not mingling with adorable humans, he can be found downtown, with a less-cuddly crowd. In modern settings, this is usually an industrial-goth club (either his own or checking out the competition); in medieval, it's usually a generic tavern. Due to his friendliness and approachability, Jack may not seem like the type to mesh with rougher crowds, but he seems more at home there than with tame folks. [i][b]Why not more?[/i][/b] You need to RP with Jack to find out more about him! [i][b]Caveats/tips:[/i][/b] Unless your character starts out with the info (eg, you're using a hunter or another vampire), they are not going to immediately know Jack is a vampire. By all means, be suspicious that he's only out after dark and no one ever sees him eat a burger. Hell, joke about it IC, but unless he screws up royally at the beginning, a mortal isn't going to be able to pin him down as something other than a night owl. As the RP progresses, suspicion that Jack is a bit off is expected, and welcomed. The timeframe of this depends on your character's observation skills.