With the addition of doctor Tomlin, the hospital had officially become too strange. James had been expecting to meet a few character that day, after all, it was New York and personalities in the city were often large and over the top, but there was something malicious about the people who frequented this building. The young doctor couldn't exactly put his finger on it, but the uneasy feeling that sat in the pit of his stomach had his fight or flight response going crazy. He wanted to run away, forget about the paper work and the years of school and just...leave. That was the simple solution, at least, the safe solution to whatever mess James had gotten himself into by not agreeing to change the surgery time himself. Backing down had seemed cowardly at the time, but perhaps James should have thought twice about whose toes he stepped on. The older man's request caught James off guard, and suddenly, he was a little worried for Gabriel as well. It was obvious that doctor Tomlin didn't like the other man, and grudgingly tolerated him at best. The blond man was curious about what had gone on between doctors Morris and Tomlin, who had crossed who and ended up with the short end of the stick, but he didn't dare ask. In fact, the less he knew, the better off he would be if the hospital was as sinister as its staff was making it out to be. “I'll send him along, doctor,” James nodded, easily complying with the request. He knew that he would have to go down to Elizabeth's room to fetch Gabriel, the very place he wanted to avoid for obvious reasons. As Tomlin walked away, James was quick to press the call button for the elevator, ready to get off of that floor as soon as possible. After the elevator had come to rest, the doors parted and James stepped inside, pressing the number on the keypad for the appropriate floor. He was alone in the elevator, thankful for the silence and the inability for anyone else to surprise him with a strange conversation. James ran a hand through his hair and rubbed at the back of his neck, feeling the tension in the muscles. He was normally so relaxed and easy-going but this upcoming surgery and the people involved had him on edge. He was ready to assist and get it over with. Exiting the elevator, James walked down to Elizabeth's room, already able to hear Robert's angry and distraught voice. He took a deep breath and entered the room, seeing that Gabriel looked ready to end his bad news. “Him!” Robert shouted, pointing to James. “He's the one who said we could do it tonight! [i]After[/i] her parents got here! Don't you people have any decency?” James felt sick and oddly betrayed. This was the very scenario he hadn't wanted to deal with, and now because of doctor Tomlin, he had to face the wrath of Robert Charles. The apologetic look on James' face was sincere, but he doubted that matter much to the man. “Sir,” he said, holding up his hands, “I'm very sorry. Sometimes, things just can't wait.” Robert went off on another tangent, but cooled and slumped down into his seat with his head in his hands. James frowned, feeling lower than low. He looked over to Gabriel and nodded toward the hallway, needing a word. After, he left the room to wait for the other man and leaned against the wall. When Gabriel appeared, James wasted no time on relaying the other doctor's request. “Richard told me to let you know that he wants to see you before the surgery. He said it would be quick, five minutes tops.” James could have easily left it at that, but he didn't trust Tomlin one bit. “He warned me about you, by the way—said you're offensive or something.” The ton of his voice indicated that he didn't believe it. “So, I hope it's nothing serious.”