Ontus love the Inigo profile pic ;) yay another FE fan. CS will be up shortly. Profile meant character...nice one [hider=Xavier Dimitriaski] Name: Xavier Dimitriaski Gender: Male Age: unknown, looks 26 Race: Human, vampire Appearance: normal attire: [URL=http://s258.photobucket.com/user/DarkKnightKira/media/Roleplay%20stuff/AnotherShadow.jpg.html][IMG]http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh280/DarkKnightKira/Roleplay%20stuff/AnotherShadow.jpg[/IMG][/URL] for night time strolls, he wears a sleeveless black shirt, black pants, and boots. out in the sun, and armored pic (if he can't avoid it): [URL=http://s258.photobucket.com/user/DarkKnightKira/media/Roleplay%20stuff/297185-dark_assassin_by_atarts_super.jpg.html][IMG]http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh280/DarkKnightKira/Roleplay%20stuff/297185-dark_assassin_by_atarts_super.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Gear & Possessions: Heavy cloak, dwarven made steel sword taken from an "acquaintance" Heavy clothing during for the day and lighter clothing at night, steel armor, as he was a soldier and now is a sword for hire. Skills & Abilities: Being a vampire he has exceptional night vision, a heightened sense of smell and heightened reflexes and strength. Being an ages old soldier his skills with a blade are deadly to say the least, he has some magical ability as it was needed for the "trials" he underwent. Personality: Xavier is hot blooded despite his long lifespan, he tends to keep quiet and to himself due to his nature. Because of his nature he also tends to get restless being near a large group of people. He is quiet, gives off a commanding presence, but keeps to himself despite his looks and build. History: Before being turned: Xavier does not remember much of his childhood, it was a very long time ago. What he does remember are happy memories of a life filled with work and training. What he remembers is his early years as a teenager training with his father to one day take over the family business of commanding the mercenary company, endless hours honing his blade skill, as well as studying tactics and old battles between differing armies. A mage came by needing his father for a dangerous task, and knew Xavier had a gift for magic. He asked to stay on and teach the boy what he could. His father agreed, gaining a mage, and having his son learn magic was a great boon to the business. Now Xavier learned magics and had an affinity for lightning based magics. At the "end" of his training he was able with spell and blade, and had worked on many jobs with the mercenary company, his father slowly giving more and more leadership to his son until he was on his deathbed after a mission that had gone awry. His father transferred full ownership/leadership of the company to his son knowing he would do him proud. Xavier was 38 at the time and under him the mercenary band known as Albracht company flourished. That all changed when Xavier was training his own successor though, he was in his mid 40s now and looking to retire, maybe find a wife and have a few children of his own to look after and train. They took a contract from a lordling from an up and coming house of mages. Xavier took his successor and about thirty of his best men to handle the job, all they were told was they were hunting an extremely dangerous fugitive. When they caught up with the convict, Xavier realized this was no ordinary man, he had ripped apart five of his men with his bare hands before coming upon the aged mercenary leader, significantly injuring him before his men were able to subdue it. Xavier was and the rest of his band were bid to rest at the mansion their employers owned, so they could heal and pay the surviving mercs. Most were murdered in the middle of the night and Xavier who had survived a bite from the creature was taken to an underground laboratory of sorts. The few who had actually gotten any sort of wounds and survived were experimented on first, any with claw marks and the like, and then the scalpels and magic was turned on Xavier. For weeks he was cut into, experimented on, made to drink the most vile liquids, until they found the key they needed. Using a mixture of incantation, and potion, they were able to duplicate, to an extent, the lifespan and strength of the vampire within Xavier. They then took upon themselves the poison, extracting what they could from the beast, and using Xavier as a feed bag for the vampire when needed. They would magically heal the bite marks, saving only the first ones he had during the battle. During the experimentation Xavier had heard that this would greatly aid House Desol from one of the bastards, how he wished he could rip the man's throat out. AFTER TURN: Xavier later convulsed and almost died when the mixture and spells took full effect, he noticed his eyesight had improved dramatically in the dimly lit underground, and the bindings could not hold him despite the days of torture and experimentation he broke free from his captures, he killed many, feeding on a few, noticing his need for blood, however after his first victim he almost vomited and was almost run through on the spot. His reflexes saved him, almost gliding around the man and running him through with his bare hand. Xavier found his belongings and quickly outfitted himself, and ran from the compound, he ran well into the night until daybreak started coming, he fell to the ground immediately feeling the weakening pressure of the sun. He crawled to a cave and breathing a sigh of relief drifted off. During his elongated lifespan Xavier has lived many lives, most of them violent as either his more bestial tendencies would take over, or he would be caught up in some war or another. He kept studying what he could, as his life always found ways to bring him close to other people, he started wearing heavier and darker clothing during the day, it always added a mystique to his presence, whenever anyone would interact with the resurrected Albracht company there was the face man, then there was the mysterious leader of the mercenary company. Due to what he was a few of the mercenaries did act as his blood banks, being close by whenever he needed them and never strayed from his side during missions. However the longer he stayed with mortals the longer people wondered about him, he staged his own death one hundred years ago, and stayed off the radar taking on many different names and identities, learning different languages and dialects to make his disguises more believable, one thing he always did however was keep himself far away from the Desol family. Xavier's many names include, Kelik Albracht, Damien Vandel, Alexander Dimitriaski, Shadow, Cipher, Mobius Zeltos, and Garret Faren, all known as capable mercenaries and many times were asked to be employed by any of the three houses of Vekia. He never took a single contract for fear of being taken back to House Desol despite the rumors he heard about it being a rogue faction of the venerable house. Xavier has come back to Vekia after a long time under his original name, now unknown to anyone anymore. He is looking for one last mission and maybe to take revenge on the rest of House Desol.[/hider]