[b] Conference Room 345B - East Wing [/b] The room had a decently sized table to seat all of the ‘guest’. A bit of a dark room, but everyone could see their way around. While standing off more towards the side of the room, she watched Thorn come in. She had a hunch he would be here first, she didn’t really expect nothing less of this man. The relationship between the two was something Disciple could describe, but it was an odd fashion. Both believed to know each others actual names, though it was rarely spoken. In her terms, it was like two wolves staring at the lamb. They knew the others boundaries, and they did not underestimate the others capabilities. [i] Just two very big dogs in a strange room [/i], she thought. “Thorn.” she said it carefully, lowering her head and gaze in mutual respect. --- As the other filled the room, she did not speak. Not a one really knew was standing there the entire time. And if they did, they did not notice her or speak to her. Disciple frankly preferred it this way. They all filed in, some judging the others, some talking to the others, and some not speaking at all. Without a sound, she moved from the edge of the room to the long table in front of a large projector screen. She breathlessly laid the materials on the table, and straightened up her posture. “Good Morning, everyone.” Like silk, her words dripped from her mouth. “I am Disciple of Cerberus Corps. Most of you already know this.” she paused to make sure she had everyone’s attention. Her tone started to change from it’s silk nature, to becoming more stern. “You are here today because there is a disturbance. Though of course, we normally don’t call everyone for a mere ghost going bump in the night, these circumstances have concerned the queen, prime minister, and other leading government officials.” She moved to flick on the projector with a remote. The lights became dim, and the wall lit up. “As you know, we are not the only supernatural company under the government. In recent occurrences, Germany has come back on the radar. The Underground is meant to stay away from the normal world and, of course, with good reason. Yet, instead of protecting and hiding, they believe it would be more beneficial for war…” Disciple messed around with some papers, and looked around at her members. She clicked a button on the remote and a picture appeared on the screen. The picture was of a man in his forties, wearing a navy suit, in a small town coffee shop. “ Dederick Conrad. A man of his forties, seeming normal and works with local imports. Everything about this man, [i] is a lie. [/i].” A quick pause, “The man you see before us is dead.” “The actual Dederick Conrad died of a heart-attack two years ago. Here, we have a prime example of a classic ShapeShifter. We believe it took on his form just a little before Conrad died, and then fully started becoming, or ‘remaking’ him after his death. The shapeshifter took on the form of this dead man and changed things around to avoid the fact of being followed.” She raised her eyebrow, in annoyance to think that this plan would’ve actually worked. “By some of our intelligence, there have been photo’s of this man working with some government men and women of Germany.” The powerpoint went to the next slide, showing Conrad exiting a government building. “Conrad received a certain briefcase from a Underground scientist, approximately a day ago. The briefcase contains blueprints and information of something that is vital.” “We, and other countries believe the German Underground are trying to create war-machines, by genetically copying and mutating supernatural beings. Taking supernatural DNA, blending it with animals, humans, and sometimes graphing more than one supernatural trait into one being. So far, there’s no success, but that doesn’t mean they are not making progress…” The projection flipped to another picture, of something that was clearly not human. It was a gritty, unclear picture, but you could make out what was going on. A figure had the face of a wolf, but the scales of a basilisk. The second picture was of a man, whose skin was bubbling and deformed. The third was of a figure who had no face where it seemed skin was just stretched over it. Letting those images sink, Disciple turned off the projector, and the lights became brighter. Quickly without a sound, she picked up envelopes with seals, and passed them around to certain members of the company. “Those of you who have received the letters, you have your private commands. You know your orders.” She straightened up for her next announcement. “Hell Hounds Oni, Oberon, Dragon, Nightingale, and Red, you will be leading an operation to invade a guarded located warehouse building that contains the three of the more ‘successful’ projects that I have shown you. You are ordered to eliminate them. We do not know anything about them, once brought down, you are to bring them back to where our intelligence and break them down.” “Black Dog Mr. Tinker and Raven, your operation is to seize Dederick Conrad. You bring him back [i]alive.[/i] Make it soundless, make it quick. I do not except for you to disappoint. Black Dogs Striker and Rune, Mr. Conrad has two guards. You goal is to assist Black Dogs Mr.Tinker and Raven, silence the guard to let them through, once they have seize Conrad, obtain the briefcase.” “As for Cerberus Thorn, Roshan, Legion, and myself. We are to remain on stand by. They are aware that we are not in the dark about this. Once Black Dog corps returns with Conrad, we are ordered to make him answer. As for the three projects, Roshan and Legion, you will be in charge to lead them to the intelligence to be examined and report. Thorn, in a few days, you will be accompanying a undercover agent who is digging further into this ‘business’ as a reporter. Keep a close eye on the agent because we are suspected they will try to be assassinated.” --- Disciple lowered her head in respect to all of the following sitting at the table. “Hounds, you have your commands. This operation is to be nothing but successful, do not fail the throne. On that, we have conducted our meeting.” She gathered her papers, sighed, and walked off to the side where she had a sip of tea. While drinking a quick sip, she kept staring at a certain piece of paper. Disciple, was to head the ‘trial’ of Dederick Conrad. This was stated on the orders from the prime minister. She bit her lip lightly as she read into the details. Her body turned, nodded to some on her way out, and slowly continued her way back to her study, still reading her details.