Isla would smile politely and nod with each new arrival. Well, most of them anyway. Some she simply stared. Like the sandman over there. She just stared at him until another member of the hounds walked in and she became distracted. Some of the hounds were wild dogs and Isla honestly thought the crown was kidding themselves by putting chains on them. One day at least one of them would crack and the crown would regret ever assigning them to these sorts of tasks in hopes of controlling them. But ah, she wasn’t supposed to think for herself now was she? No. Just follow orders. Her mood had brought the corners of her lips tugging downward ever so slightly, and her eyebrows maybe a millimeter closer together. Her expressions were vague and minute, but readable nonetheless. Although her shoulders were relaxed when Rune tried to lighten the mood with a rather silly comment. She managed a genuine smirk. She began running through her thoughts of the hounds she did know well enough to make a judgment call on, but was stopped when Disciple moved in front of the screen at the front of the room. Listening intently, Raven was inundated with information. She snarled a bit at the fuzzy pictures towards the end of the projection they were shown, obviously disgusted with the images. She sighed softly though and turned her attention back to the rather odd looking woman with pale skin, as she passed around some envelopes. Isla could deny she wasn’t a tad bit curious what the private commands were, but oh well. It wasn’t something she needed to worry about obviously. Instructed to capture Dederick Conrad with Mr. Tinker, she nodded, glancing to the man in the suit briefly before listening until their meeting was officially concluded. Once it was, she turned her chair to face that of her fellow Black dog and apparent partner for this mission. [b]”Well. It’s just too bad he has to be kept alive,”[/b] she said, eyebrow flickering up so it seemed like she was joking perhaps, but she was not.