The briefing left Hideo rather confused. Why Germany of all places? The country had been a non-aggressor for over fifty years, and had only really profited from doing so. As the economic center of the European Union, it was effectively the most economically influential country in the world. None of this made sense, honestly. Hideo remembered the short-lived days that Germany had been an ally to his people, and their grasping attempts at embracing the supernatural for their war effort. The Thule Society failed to produce timely results, unlike the forces that Hideo's Emperor had managed to produce, and as such the supernatural forces of Germany had been left mostly alone. Perhaps this was merely the result of such ignorant mercies? A haunting remnant of the past reemerging? There was something greater than a mere grab for power at play here, he knew it. However, his place was not to investigate or question. His place was to kill. And he would do so, in due time. "Hell Hounds," He announced, rising from his seat and holding his envelope aloft for all to see. "Briefing room in thirty minutes." Hideo left the room promptly, not waiting for a response. The elevator was then taken back down the the subterranean portion of the Tower, where the Hell Hounds kept the majority of their equipment and facilities. All the while, he looked over the note that he had been given. Quite scarce information, this was barely enough to form any sort of strategy. He assumed the Hounds were working with limited information sources, but this was simply inadequate. He would have to do a great deal of research before their mission began if he would be able to organize a successful operation. Soon enough arriving the the briefing room well ahead of the others, Hideo continued to brainstorm ideas for this mission. He tried to think if he recognized any of the other code-names that had been read aloud. Honestly, he had no idea who any of those people were, or what they could do. The fresh blood always looked the same to him, and considering that most of them were barely around for a decade, he really couldn't be damned to learn anything about them. Surely that would be helpful in organizing a plan of action, but he would have to make due for now.