Sean gave Elise a few glances with a smile as everyone talked at the table. He found it hard to keep his eyes off her. His attention was diverted when Astrid came in to join the others. She was new to the team but had a good spirit and was a quick learner. When she asked where the coffee was Sean pointed to the far left for her where the pot of fresh coffee sat in the corner. "Hey Astrid! It's over there" he called for her, pointing the way. It was easy to remember her name because it was so unique. "Just follow your nose" he said with a chuckle. Despite her poor choice in meat Alex made a damn good pot of coffee. Soon though, everyone's eyes were diverted to Alex as she entered the eating area. When Alex entered she saw just about the entire crew conversing at the dining table, eating her healthy breakfast. Alex always wore a smile, unless she was deeply pissed off, and her bright smile deepened in satisfaction as she saw her team dig in to her healthy meal. She took pride in keeping herself healthy and fit, especially as lieutenant of her team, but she enjoyed helping others stay healthy as well and took every moment possible to lecture them when she caught them eating unhealthy food or drinking fountain drinks or Gatorade. "Good morning team!" she called brightly, gathering everyone's attention. Sean turned to look to Alex with a smudge of sauce from Elise's burger on the lower left side of his chin. Alex caught Sean's face and her smile faltered, her head tilting slightly when she saw the residue sauce on his face that clearly was not from her healthy breakfast. Sean saw the glint in her eyes and, even though she wasn't his lieutenant, he cleared his throat and quickly turned his face away, looking to the side as he wiped his chin clean. When he looked back after a moment, her eyes were still fixed on him and it took all of his effort not to show his guilt. Alex moved past this and spoke to the team with her announcement. "We are having training this week. I know you have all gone through this already but it has been awhile since this training and it will keep you fit as well as help you coach the candidates in the academy. Everyone is to participate per the Chief's orders, no exceptions. If you are fit to work you are fit to run the drills. Today's drills will include a 5 mile run that must be completed in 40 minutes or less. We will also be driving to the candidate's course to use for timed drills in created scenarios for fire training. It will be like you're back in day 1" she called out gleefully, hearing some groans in response to their schedule. Now, to start with our first run we will--" Alex was cut off when the sound system erupted with their first call of the day, the dispatcher's voice echoing with clear instructions and urgency. [i]"Engine 51, Truck 81, Ambulance 61, fire at 2661 Oak Street, fire on third floor and child in danger on balcony.[/i]" Sean immediately jumped to his feet. "Saved by the bell" he muttered to Elise with a small grin. Sean raced with everyone to the truck area and began to suit up. Once he had his fire gear on he looked for Nate, knowing he would be near by. Him and Nate with Squad 3 would take their truck while Alex led her team on theirs. Alex was right behind Sean, gearing up right with him and loading up in to the truck. Alex pointed to Elise and called out "You're driving! Let's roll!"