Clement or Dragon as everyone should and [i]would[/i] call him, found his arms tightly wrapped around his chest as he observed the screen. Earlier he had glanced impassively at Nightingale, the woman, being a odd contrast to the tense soldiers around them. She was beautiful and cheery, even with a muzzle clamped over her mouth. Though he was labeled as some supernatural being, he had still been raised human, still embedded with needs and desires. However, he had held them in check so far and he'd continue to do so. Throughout the presentation, he maintained a stern expression. He didn't feel particularly sympathetic for the beasts or deformities, they had been causalities in the quest to capture evil; they had done their part. But the others... these agents, had warranted his silent anger. The smell of tinder begin to flow off of him, his darkened suit emitting a orange glow from within his belly. It was best he got that under control, lest he burn the entire building down. He did so with a few calming breaths. After the presentation and Oni's call for a meeting, Clement closed his eyes, cracked his neck, subtly rubbed the back of his neck to ease the cricks out of it. Sitting still wasn't exactly something he enjoyed, the eternal flame inside of him often stiffened his muscles when they were still. He pulled his chair out from behind him before sticking his hands in his pockets and filing out a moment after Oni. He had decided to take the stairs to keep himself away from others. Ten minutes later he opened the door to the briefing room and eyed Oni with a amber gaze, the wrinkles on his forehead crunching down on one another, though he was one of them the supernatural got his blood boiling in a sense. He stood off to the side of the door, his preferred area in case his fickle temperament got out of control. He had only felt inclined to sit down due to the rarity of the situation during the initial meeting, however, things were different in this case. [i]I hope this doesn't take too long.[/i]