Though Asami couldn't consider things between Korra and herself entirely healed, she could still understand the strain the girl was going through, which was why Asami was trying to be nice and accomodating as she used to be before all the drama had taken place. Having Bolin and Mako would be interesting. Bolin was always great company and he might be able to add a different dynamic to her and Mako, who were getting better but still had a ways to go before they'd be fully fine with the past. As they entered her home, Mako spoke up about what was going on in terms of the odd illness. The majority of people were unaware of what was happening but for those unfortunate enough to be suffering, Asami was certain they needed answers. [b]"That's a good idea."[/b] Bolin spoke up before Asami got a chance. The earth bender turned around to her and covered his mouth, hoping he hadn't interrupted her or spoke out of turn. [b]"I mean..."[/b] He knew he should ask how her company was going but all the topics they had seemed so depressing. He hated it. [b]"I hope I can help in some way."[/b] Asami spoke up now. [b]"Maybe I can work on manufacturing some kind of medical device."[/b] Of course the status of her company remained undetermined. She had been in contact with Xano and Xana and they said they could help invest money in her company and revitalize it, which was great but she was still concerned about them. They claimed they knew her father in the past and even gave their condolences when he was missing but she hadn't heard from them in about two or three days. For now she had to try trusting them, though the connection to her father still kept her on the fence. She loved him, as she remembered him as the man he was, not the one he had become. As the phone rang, one of the few servants left called Asami over into the study. She headed over and picked up the phone. [b]"Hello, this is Asami Sato speaking..."[/b] On the other end was Xana, she told Asami she would be picked up tomorrow morning and they'd finally meet in person. [b]"Alright."[/b] To be safe, she considered bring Mako but ultimately decided against it. After more details were briefly discussed, she hung up, still not feeling entirely satisfied. Still, Asami would go and get more answers. She just didn't know that by this time tomorrow, she'd realize her bending skill and be reunited with her father. As she rejoined the boys, she saw them talking about the house and whatnot, even though Bolin had been a guest before. [b]"Sorry about that, it was business."[/b] She just said lightly. [b]"Anyway, I'd love to hear what you've been up to."[/b] She said to Bolin since she hadn't gotten a chance to catch up with the guy. The trio then moved into the kitchen so they could get comfortable and catch up. Asami made them all tea as Bolin talked about Korra and how much fun they were having with training and the air bending kids. He purposefully neglected to mention the touchy topic since he knew it could be a downer. As they talked, Asami tried to figure out what to make. [b]"How about fried rice? Mmm...oh! With chicken! And Mako can grill it."[/b] Bolin suggested as they had tossed around ideas as to what they wanted and didn't want. Asami mentioned that just because he was a fire bender, that he didn't have to cook the meat. [b]"I know but he does it pretty good."[/b] When they were out on the street and had to scrounge up anything to make for a meal, Mako did a good job of making sure they were safe and fed, sometimes not well, but they managed and were closer thanks to the struggle. Looking back. Bolin knew he was immature and didn't see the big picture but he wanted to be a better man and step up. [b]"I can try though, how hard can it be?"[/b] He joked a little as he drank some more of his tea. Even though he was busy with training, he still got to spend time with Korra but this get together was the first time he actually missed her presence. Training kept his mind at bay but he wondered if he should have gone back with her. He didn't want her to feel alone but he also respected her choice and knew that it didn't have to be his too. Asami glanced to Mako and smiled, [b]"Actually Mako and I had steaks last night and he showed me some tricks with grilling them. I think chicken fried rice would be fine."[/b] She said as she began to take out the chicken, rice and assorted vegetables. - - - Lin was getting ready to go when she sensed Tenzin coming out. So she turned and watched him move over to where she stood, where the breeze could hit them. She was getting tired of lecturing him as she spent the majority of her day lecturing bad guys and rookie cops and trainees, still it seemed Tenzin at least knew she wanted him to rest. And he needed it. His request made sense but she didn't want him getting involved. He couldn't be another casualty. She refused to lose him. If keeping him safe meant pushing him away, she would do that. [b]"You're personally invested in this matter."[/b] She pointed out. It was risky to have someone so personally involved in the case. She wanted to decline his request and take him down a few pegs if that was what needed to be done. She couldn't sleep well knowing that Tenzin was putting himself at risk when he was better served by his family's side, keeping them safe. Lin was tired. It had been a long day and she knew Tenzin was in even worse shape than her. [b]"I can't rely on someone who may end up jeopardizing the case and any possible leads because they have a vendetta and take risks without thinking about the big picture."[/b] While Lin wasn't trying to question Tenzin's judgement or frame of mind, she didn't want him acting without rational thought. [b]"If you and I do this, it needs to be off the records. I need to trust that you won't put your family in front of this case if we uncover something, I can't risk it."[/b] What she almost said was that she couldn't risk him. She couldn't risk him getting into a fight without her doing things properly, even off the books. Whatever and whoever they found, had to be brought to justice properly. In all her time that she knew the man beside her, she never knew him to be rash or hot-headed but she needed to be cautious. But most importantly, she didn't want anything to happen to him. Not just for the family's sake but also her own. [b]"You understand my reluctance in getting you involved?"[/b] She asked him and turned so she was facing him directly. Lin was prepared to risk her life and her job but Tenzin was a husband and father. They would be out at night, doing things on their own, it could cost him more than his council seat. [b]"If you do, then I'd happy to have you by my side, patrolling the city like old times."[/b]