[b]Aaron Carther | Conquest Pantheon - Orange King[/b] The state of the Orange King was quite peculiar on the day of the Student President’s speech. He arrived to the auditorium early, without a book in his hand, and sat in the front row of seats, directly in front of where Yoshino would be speaking. He sat there, hands together, eyes attentively forward, until it was over. To anyone nearby he may have appeared to have been carved of stone. A few people in the crowd knew their king a little better than that though. These people saw how Aaron’s knuckles became bleached white at the mention of the Kings’ deaths and how he clenched his teeth in a silent rage upon hearing of the alliance between the Ebony Strykers and the Sweepers. Aaron stood suddenly and walked out of the room without a word. The Black King was right about one thing: this was most certainly war, and on a scale like nothing before witnessed in New Ground Online. He had the game already up and running in overlay mode before he’d even left the auditorium. Aaron’s fingers clenched around the spear that existed only in one world. It wouldn't be long now.