Camden snorted as the meeting finally concluded, amused at how fast the tension of the air finally snapped into nothingness as movement rifled through the stiff crowd. Like machines, the Hounds analyzed and processed their revered order by the Royal Crown, and immediately turned their cogs to power up their terrible mechanism of absolute obedience. Already the three Corps began to act upon themselves as each individual members congregated and began necessary preparations for their respective missions. Leaning back as far as he could, Thorn propped his feet up on the chair in front of him and gave a small yawn. With his eyes of deep oak, he casually watched as they conversed with one another, swapping information and concerns until finally they started to disperse into their designated briefing stations. Camden couldn't help but smile as he gazed at the inferno of their will and ferocity, his crooked grin reflecting his boyish envy. They were assigned the more exciting operations, damn them. Still, babysitting some intelligence brat wouldn't be too bad. Truthfully, Camden had always had a profound respect for the Crown's Intelligence Division. Though their agents were not even a hundredth as good as an observant Hell Hound, their abilities were quite respectful in terms of 'normal' proficiency. He had no doubt that his assigned agent will be capable enough to extract the necessary information, and, maybe with some luck, Camden would be able to ascertain some important data regarding this whole ordeal. At last, the Thorn of London decided to get off of his lazy ass to make some preparations of his own. He had until the end of the day to rendezvous with the intelligence officer if he wanted to make good time; Camden did not expect the Black Dogs to take very long in securing their 'kill. Better get a headstart. With a hearty stretch, Camden plopped to his feet in a graceful manner, taking a moment's time to crease out the wrinkles of his blazer before striding towards the exit. Nearing the door that would lead him out of this suffocating room, Thorn passed by Disciple addressing her fellow colleagues as they made their way out. He glanced at her and maintained the stare until she finally got to him. He gave her a small wink and his usual grin, before walking out the door without a slight pause. But as he made his way outside, he held up his envelope behind him for her to see. A silent message. [i]See ya when I get back.[/i]