"That's the wrong answer." Sharee retorted, throwing the flask in her hand straight at the man. The glass broke at the horse's feet, sending a cloud of green gas out in all directions. All of them were still close enough that they were engulfed in the poison, including the Bosmer. The poison wasn't lethal, but it would cause its victims to feel exhausted, reducing their overall stamina and making them sluggish in a fight. The horse reacted immediately to the sudden burst of gas, rearing up on its hind legs and throwing its rider to the ground. Sharee simply walked towards the group, her Argonian poison immunity allowing her to walk through the cloud of lingering gas without fear. The once-confident man was now on the ground, struggling to bring himself to his feet as the energy was sapped out of him. Sharee drew her cutlass from its sheathe, calmly but threateningly approaching. The man grabbed a hold of his sword, brought himself up to his knees, and made a last ditch effort to slash at the Argonian, but Sharee was easily able to parry the sluggish attack and, with a flick of her wrist, twist the man's blade out of his hand. She unceremoniously finished him off by stabbing him through the chest, then turned her attention to the short, fat one a few feet away. He had been scrambling to ready his crossbow and load in another bolt, but now that his friend was dead on the ground and Sharee was practically right in front of him, he quickly reconsidered. He tossed down his weapon and waved both hands in the air in front of him. "Wait, wait, I s'rrender!" He shouted as Sharee continued to approach him. She stopped in front of him, then looked down into his eyes. "That's nice." She said before slitting his throat with quick slash from her cutlass. With all threats, if she could call them that, eliminated, she sheathed her blade and started going through the fat one's pockets to see if she cold find a coinpurse. For the moment, she didn't even bother to acknowledge the Bosmer, who was likely still feeling exhausted from the poison. It would wear off soon enough, so she decided just to wait until the girl spoke up herself to begin dealing with her.