Much to his surprise, Daemon knew the cashier and they greeted each other with a kiss on the cheek, which Matt was taken aback to at first. [i]“Wait, so are they like...well of course not, I think he's single, but I wonder if they were ever dating...?”[/i] Matt immediately tried to shake the mental image out of his head. When Daemon introduced them, Matt smiled and had to remind himself that his name was Blaine. [b]"Please tell me he bats for our side."[/b] Hadrian begged, causing Daemon to laugh again. Matt stuttered as he totally didn't expect to hear that. After Daemon turned around to grab some candy Matt could feel himself screaming on the inside. Answering up for his sexuality wasn't something he was prepared for, and Matt didn't know what else to do but smile and laugh. Honestly, he couldn't give him a straight answer if he couldn't even be sure for himself. Thankfully, Hadrian didn't dwell on the questioning and asked him about the training camp. “Hahaha...y-yeah you know, gotta start somewhere...” Matt laughed nervously and his voice seemed to crack the more Hadrian leaned on him. The sad thing was this might have been the first time he ever came close to being hit on, and that was saying a lot about him. Matt didn't realize it until they had quieted down, well, expect for Daemon who was laughing it up, that his face was becoming red. Matt cleared his throat and glared with an eyebrow raised at the bags sitting on the counter. “Look who's talkin, jelly bean junkie. 10 bucks got handed to you, and out of all the things you could have bought...” Matt sighed and shook his head, unable to finish his sentence.