[img]http://i.imgur.com/AmxI4Io.png[/img] [u][b]Cuttersbury: Drych Lake Spa – Dock[/b][/u] “Prune? Ha! I [i]dunno[/i]… the water is actually nice.” Jett remained bobbing for a while more as he gave Nani a teasing grin. Of course he was pulling her leg! He was ready to get out. Anything fun would be awesome! Frankly he can’t wait to see why the Gramps sounded so excited. The man seemed practically invigorated. “Did you hear that?” He froze with one leg perched on the edge of the pier and the other dangling in mid-air. The voice was clearly female, and Jett could have sworn it was Ms. Estelle. Odd, she didn’t seem like the type to be so easily startled. [i]Was that giant spikey mole thing back?[/i] The novice jumped to his feet and grabbed his stuff unceremoniously. “Lead the way, Gramps!” “Oh never mind! Sign’s just ahead.” [u][b]Cuttersbury: Drych Lake Spa[/b][/u] The rookie sprinted into the lobby. His wet feet slipped and felt himself pitching backwards. The young man flailed around till he regained his balance. He stood still with his hands pressed against his knees. Gosh! The floors are slippery. As he pulled up, a few drops of water from his wet hair trickled into his eyes. Everything went blurry. Annoyed Jett wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. It was then he realized why there were two doors. His eyes grew bigger and a faint blush crept up his cheeks. “Uh…” [i]Now this is a real problem.[/i] One side said Ladies and the other gents. Hell, no! He wasn’t gonna step into the female side. Nope. Nada. He didn’t want to be called a pervert again. Thankfully, he heard familiar squawk – that was Captain! The Guilder whirled around so violently that his shirt and belt flew from his arms. They smacked against the locker before sliding onto the floor. “Nani! Boy am I glad to see you. I … can’t enter.”