Name: Empyron Goal: undecided, i.e; he wishes to preserve Humanity and mortal life in general, so it could be either aggressive or defensive. Domain: hope, thunderbolts, creation, the sun, healing and renewal Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Powers: (Special even among your domain and other gods.) He has great power over all generative forces that have the ability to create. Sun light, hope, even the body's natural ability to heal it'self, or the power for a woman to give birth, etcetera. Artifacts: The Sceptre Of Power: The Sceptre of Power is a metallic rod with a gemstone on the top containing energy from Empyron. Nation: His territory is filled with many large islands, and a vast sea, from islands the size of Ireland to islands as large as the U.S state of Texas. There are millions of people spread throughout his territory, and there are great mountains on the largest islands, some are safe, with no monsters except maybe natural animals, and some of these islands may have areas controlled by quite large monsters such as chimeras, manticores and even dragons. There are well over forty million people throughout the Empire. The climate throughout his Empire is mostly either temperate with mild weather, or cold. Technically, since his empire has been at peace for over a whole century, it isn't an Empire, but technically a Kingdom, but the ruler is still called the Emperor. Below the Emperor is his family, such as wife, and several sons and daughters, and the other kings and queens, and below them there are the aristocracy. Other Info: (Anything you feel is important to mention, such as a hatred of a different god, a different source of power than followers, etc. Optional.)