[center][img]http://ubiwall.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/anime-boy-with-brown-hair-and-hazel-eyes-tumblr-300x300.jpg[/img][/center] [center]Name: Venn Rantoa Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Human Alignment: Mercenary Weapon Preference: Heavy Swords Weapon(s): [/center] [hider=Weapon][img=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/307/9/8/ryuko__s_mecha_sword_by_bleeps88-d4ezkpw.jpg] A massive, forty five pound sword. Made out of reinforced metal, nearly four feet long. With a trigger pull near the end of the hill, the sword. T It has the ability to generate flames due to the magma core. A layer of steel glows slightly. Venn isn't immune to the fire, but is usually able to direct it. The sword is prone to overheating and of course, isn't a gun so he has to be strategic with his attacks. Ignite - Venn simply has flames resonate from his weapon. Comet Burst - Flames shoot outwards, usually seven soccer ball sized blasts. Heats up his sword quite quickly. [/hider] [center] Personality: Venn is a level headed individual. Lacking much interaction in his life, he never really developed any traits. He finds himself being quite curious about his surroundings and getting distracted easily. He's considered by some a pretty great listener. However, he has difficulty expressing his own opinions and feelings. Venn tries to avoid letting anger take over him and is usually pretty nice at managing that, but can identify others' hostility and won't stand down for it. In battle, he's serious and determined, and cares deeply about winning. Appearance: Venn has naturally straight, light brown hair that frames around his head. It goes down past his eyebrows and between his eyes with the longest locks of hair, and down his neck in the back. It's the typical mop top, although, it lacks a bit of style with a couple of strands of hair sticking upwards on the side. He has ice blue eyes and a light complexion, and stands around the height of 5'11. His body is rather toned due to his training with his weapon, mainly being in his upper body. Bio: Venn was part of a group of humans that flew around the galaxy. They occasionally stopped by in Suguretia in order to pick up food and such, but, other than that, they were mainly drifters. There, Venn lived with his father, who was a mercenary himself. His father was a decent one, but, was nothing too special. Venn always admired his work, and desired to fight like his father. His father gave him some scrap materials and some supervision, and they managed to build a rather mediocre sword. Venn trained for awhile while his father was out, mainly living the life of futuristic nomads. After some long years of fighting, Venn lost his father. Venn wasn't sure how to respond to this, but, he continued to live with his father's friends. The sword eventually became faulty, but, Venn was much too sentimental to give it up. He added onto the sword with some help and continued to do this, eventually making the sword into what it was today. Around the age of 15, the ship they used to travel was attacked by some space pirates. Venn discovered they were mercenaries, and that his own little group was actually a couple of wanted humans. They were flooded with attacks with a huge battle. Venn landed his first kill against one of these said pirates in an attempt to save these people. Most of the people died on the ship, leaving Venn and a friend of his father's. He was a mercenary himself, and explained to Venn the game of the wanted and the mercenaries. The man himself had become wanted due to associating with those people, and explained to Venn that he had to ditch him soon, or else Venn would become recognized as well, despite Venn having no experience with battle. Venn spent about a year with him doing physical training and honing his skills, and still, upgrading his sword to keep it from breaking apart. After a year passed, his father's friend ordered Venn to turn him in. Venn obeyed, and the life of solitude started for him there. Venn wanted to try out his newly found skills, but could never really find the opportunity. He had to sell the ship he grew up in due to lack of income and bought his own little airwing. Venn also used the rest of his money to get the sword professionally enhanced in Suguretia. He quickly fled afterwards and roamed the stars before hearing a legend of the Alpha King. It was a terrifying story, but, he remembered his own father speaking of the king a couple of times. Wanting to impress his father who was looking down on him, he searched for others to form a team, but didn't really know anyone. Venn landed in Xenafor in the present day, searching for someone to pair up with. [/center]