Roughly a quarter mile away from the beasts and the group of humans, Dimitri finally came to a stop. It was not that he was tired -a combination of near constant physical conditioning and an adrenaline boost saw to that-, it was that during his sprinting, his mind had gotten the chance to try and piece things together in a way where they would make sense. The young man properly shouldered his bag and tied his water skin to his belt as he observed the strange landscape, "Ok...ok..get a grip Dimitri." he muttered to himself as he got his bearings. Dimitri tried to remember what events he'd partaken in to allow his predicament to transpire, "Ok...visited Joseph, had a beer or two, he said he wanted to go to mexico for the summer to get hold of some more peyote, pestered me into trying what he had le-", Dimitri paused, what seemed like realization dawning on his face. "The fucking peyote! Goddammit this is all probably just one big peyote high and i'm probably gonna come out of it in a jail cell or something." Dimitri growled as he raised and shouldered his axe. Mulling things over in his mind once more, Dimitri started walking once more, coming to the conclusion that if he was likely going to find himself in a drug tank when he came down from his high, he might as well play along for the time being. He had no idea how very real things around him were, nor just what he'd be in for.