[center][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Hy5ECY2h09I/UX4No1xsSEI/AAAAAAAAwV4/S_IpnfatVog/s640/odos-epanastaseos.jpg[/img][/center] [center]It's a long-standing feud between Humans and the Supernatural; Humans have Hunters, the Supernaturals have themselves, and it's forever a game of cat and mouse. Some of us get caught; Some of us retaliate; some of us just want to be left alone. They city of Gravette seems to be experiencing an influx of new inhabitants. You can only guess who they are. The underground world of the Supernaturals just got a little more cramped. It can only be expected that some new hunters follow them.[/center] [b]UPDATES[/b] >Hunters are humans who are aware of the supernatural and have a bias against them for one reason or another(Which should be explained in the History or Other section of the CS). They have necessary equipment(Silver, iron, Magic dampening cuffs or ties, etc.) the stuff needed to take down Supernaturals. Hunters usually Excel in one Supernatural type, but others know a lot about many. Ok so you can play as any type of supernatural creature as long as they can gain a human form, or as a Hunter, and they can have their own special weapon or trick. I know the summary is small so feel free to ask questions! Rules: [list] [*]Post at least a paragraph.[/*] [*]Warn me beforehand if you're going to leave so I can find a replacement.[/*] [*]I want a post at least every other day so this doesn't die.[/*] [*]3 Character limit per person[/*] [*]Please don't argue with me on decisions[/*] [*]Don't get into an argument with other members[/*] [/list] [b]Accepted Characters[/b] [hider=Darnies Magula] CS: Name: Darnies Magula Age: 19 Race: Witch Appearance: [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-HuMmKzFTTyU/T-motASCOaI/AAAAAAAAJII/ES7dJuFmA7s/s1600/1787976_collegiate.jpg[/img] Standing at a slanted 5'8, Darneis has a skinny form that belies his strength. Personality: Darnies is laid back and sarcastic. His intelligence is hidden behind his snappy comebacks and devil may care attitude. He doesn't show regret or embarrassment, but rather embraces his mistakes and brushes them off. However, he does tend to turn dark or angry at certain topics or affronts, but no one knows what those are. History: Born to a mother who never told his father she was a witch, his family was her coven because his dad left upon learning her secret. He learned magic from the moment he showed a spark and all of his 'aunts' treated him perfectly well. When he was 11, after much training and preparation, him and his mother set off to find his father after scrying for him. Darnies thought they were going to talk, but his mother was out for the man's blood for abandoning her. "You don't abandon a pregnant witch," She had told him. "It's one of the worst offenses to a witch and her Coven." In a dingy motel outside of Carson, North Dakota, his father was sitting with a shotgun, years of paranoia from the Coven's curse causing him to always expect the worse and always have a finger on the trigger just in case. His mother blew the door down and entered the room, Darnies right behind. With one twitch, his father had filled his mother's stomach with a scattered shot. Not to be outdone, his mother pulled out her [url=http://www.crystalsrocksandgems.com/images3/twistedwoodsilverwands.jpg]wand[/url]- only needed for the strongest of spells and curses- and looked to fire a mirror curse. He'd bleed out the same way she did with the same bullet pattern. She didn't notice that some of the scattered shots had caught Darnies in the leg, shattering his right knee cap and leaving wounds up and down him right arm and leg. Lying on the ground, Darnies became aware that he was now alone. His coven had been taken out the previous year by a group of Hunters, and his two parents were bleeding out on the floor across from each other. Tears streaming down his face, the young boy dragged himself first to his mom to pick up her wand, and then out of the room and called for an ambulance, a story already forming in his mind to explain the scene. He couldn't heal his own knee- "Witches can't heal themselves, DarnDarn, that gift is meant to be used on others."- so he had to heal the normal way. Now he walks with a limp and uses a [url=http://img.scoop.it/LWMrHl9noZF6dFJ-BIKfsTl72eJkfbmt4t8yenImKBVvK0kTmF0xjctABnaLJIm9]cane.[/url] So with no parents and no coven, knowing he couldn't go into a foster home or be adopted without having to restrict his powers, Darnies dropped off the map. 8 years later and he's still traveling on his own. He makes his living through creating runes and talismans for other supernaturals, and playing honest card games and collecting the bounty when he wins. Special Power: Especially skilled at charming objects. Other: [list] [*]He is very good at fighting, having to always defend himself from hunters.[/*] [*]His mother's wand makes up the tip of his cane, and depending on witch latch you press, one of the two releases the wand, while the lower latch releases the hidden blade, and the wand acts as the hilt.[/*][/list][/hider][hider=Chasa]CS: Name: Chasa Age: 26 Race: Half-Golem/ Half-Panswé Belu Appearance: [img]http://www.irrawaddy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/IMG_9223.jpg[/img][img]http://1-ps.googleusercontent.com/h/burma.irrawaddy.org/wp-content/gallery/aas/xaye-aye-soe2.jpg,Mic.F_d1LqzvNM.jpg.pagespeed.ce.N2A6xZ7LvV.jpg[/img] at 6'2, Chasa can be rather intimidating, especially with all the muscles added on top of the hieght, and the curved fangs when she allows them to be seen. Personality: Kind and caring, Chasa can be upset easily by the fact that people are afraid of her due to her stature. She loves to play around and wrestle, though is quick to worry and apologize if she thinks she's being too rough. She's an over all gentle soul. History: Chasa was born to a in Israel to a Golem father and Panswé Belu mother. For the first 10 years of her childhood, Chasa lived with her parents in Israel, but once her mom began to get homesick, her family moved back to Burma, and she spent the next 10 years with her family there in a small house. Just before her 21st birthday, she moved to America in hopes being able to better blend in with normal humans- her family had faced much persecution in both her homelands due to the relationship between Golem and Panswé Belu, creating a child that honestly just confused them- and had her parents visit as often as possible, as her family was not poor and loved travel. She's been in America since then, and graduated college with a Masters Degree in Botany. She keeps a small garden on the patio of her apartment, growing some of her own plants and giving the rest to her neighbors. Special Power/Weapon: Due to her Dual heritage, Chasa can switch between the extremes of her two beings; using the Panswé Belu to suppress her size and strength, and the Golem to suppress her curved fangs. She Is neutral in between the two, a perfect balance, in her apartment. When fighting she uses more Golem lineage and when dealing with plants she uses more Panswé Belu lineage due to their affinity for plants. Other: Due to her mother's influence and genes, she is a vegetarian and enjoys the taste of flowers that are normally not meant to be eaten.[/hider][hider=Agnes Eklund]Name: Selma Olinda av Kyrka Agnes Eklund (guardian protector of the church Agnes Eklund) Nickname: Agnes or Aggie Age: 701, looks 15 Race: Kyrkogrimen - The Church Grim Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/9Z8ip2j.jpg[/img] Personality: She is not a welcoming person due to her reserved nature, and she is always cautious of unfamiliars. Whether it's the pastor or a wandering soul, she was always feared. Her anxiety of others is caused by the almost accidental fear she induced upon them, and Agnes is well aware of her power. She is extremely knowledgeable, for the heart of the grim sees into the eyes of creation. She knows very little of the outside world, and is fraught with uncertainty of others, and appears nervous around her unknown surroundings. The lack of experience with people who weren't church goers has left her quite lonely, the only thing she can think of that delights her is the ringing of the church bells. History: When Agnes was alive she was a servant to the wealthy home of the town's church pastor. There since she was a child, she became good friends with the pastor's son, William. Eventually they ended up falling into forbidden love, and when their secret was found out the two were permanently separated. There was a new church being built in town, and as tradition they bury an animal underneath the podium to ensure the church's safety. However instead of just the animal, they decided that a much better sacrifice could be made. Agne's heart was encased within the sheep and buried under the church, her soul reincarnated into The Church Grim. She remembered not much of her living life, but now she knew so much more. Her soul was heavy because of the heart she bared, the heart that opens the eyes of the universe. Her role of responsibility and protection has continued from the day she appeared, and when she left her church the feeling of freedom was almost uncomfortable. Her responsibilities included ringing the church bells during funerals signaling the soul's departure, as well as guarding the graveyard from thieves and robbers. Since most people couldn't see her, Agnes kept to herself. The people of the church were aware of her presence, sometimes the children would see her wandering the grounds or observing from the bell tower. The stormy weather signaled her appearance, and other signs of her presence was the ringing of the church bells at midnight, signaling that someone local was close to death. No one ever visited the church at night, for the people were worried of Agne's protection would be put against them. Only sometimes would there be a real threat, and it was Agne's purpose to defeat said evil. During weddings they would ring the church bells loudly, and she always enjoyed that. Her life in the church was comfortable, but she always wondered what it was like on the outside world. She lived on at the same church for decades, never giving thought to the idea of leaving. She believed she couldn't because the body of the animal that rested underneath it's floors bound her from leaving, and she was destined to protect this church for eons. That's what she thought, anyways. On New Years Eve, she would gather with some of her fellow myths and await the Year Walkers who seeked the future. Most people could never complete the ritual, for they usually were killed by the spirits that tempted them to their own deaths. She was the last step to the tradition, and her fellow spirits taunted the humans as much as they could to keep them from her heart. For the heart of dear Agnes saw into the eyes of creation. One could find their future and learn the mysteries of the universe. Only one person was able to escape the Huldra's seductive ways, bypass the Brook Horse, and walk around the church in the correct pattern to meet The Church Grim. That man was none other than the old pastor's son, William. Agnes recognized him immediately, and she watched him traverse the snow covered wood towards the church. He always left flowers by the Willow Tree, yet no one was buried underneath it. Agnes liked to sit by the tree and watch the funeral procession, and sometimes he would look her way, as if he could see her. One stormy night, a raven visited her in the graveyard. It perched on top of the old willow tree which resided next to the bodies of the dead. She looked at the raven, her eyes curious. Through the darkness the raven transformed into a man, someone she had never seen before. The man smiled devilishly at her, and Agnes replied with a suspicious squint. The man introduced himself as Achak Chogan of the night. With his name she seeked his past from behind closed eyes, learning about his life, his death. Ash would visit her at night, and they would talk among themselves during the night. Eventually they became good friends, and one day, Ash asked Agnes to leave this place. Ash had found a small town with a local church that was unprotected, and the two of them could stay there together. She declined his offer, for she was bound to the church for eternity. However, the raven reminded her that it was December, and the next person to die could become the Church Grim for this church. With this in mind, Agnes agreed to his suggestion, and once the last death of the year occurred, the two set off for Gravette. Special Power/Weapon: Agnes has the power to manipulate time. She can see into the past and future, as well as slow down time, fast forward, and stop time. Her cosmic knowledge allows her to be aware of the mysteries of the universe, at least, whatever the Watchers tell her. She also has teleportation powers (similar to Blink from X-Men) which aid in her fighting style tremendously. Other: - she's wearing a wednesday addams like dress - her eyes are usually super dark but when she's using her powers her eyes turn light grey, no pupils. - she's very passive, and won't start up fights unless actually provoked or in danger[/hider][hider=Pasha Kozov][b][u]CS[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Pasha “Paul” Kozlov [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Race:[/b] Lycanthrope [b]Appearance:[/b] A few inches short of six feet tall, a slender yet fit build. His wolf form is of a grey wolf, and his midway form is a mix of man and wolf. [URL=http://s248.photobucket.com/user/the_help_you_doll/media/bloop%20bloop/Real/wolfehgreytriad_zpsf98af82d.jpg.html][IMG]http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg175/the_help_you_doll/bloop%20bloop/Real/wolfehgreytriad_zpsf98af82d.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Personality:[/b] Lazy, and laidback…with the ideas of race purity, he has little remorse for the turned/cursed werewolves he kills, though he doesn’t go out of his way to hunt them like a real lycanthrope hunter. [b]History:[/b] Being from an old family of Russian lycanthropes, and yet the youngest of 12 siblings, he was raised in a more lax manner then what was normal. With the ideology of lycan pure bloodedness drilled into his head in the early years, Paul in his preteens went to a respected turned ex-hunter for lycan hunting training. Though he had some training, he is sorely lacking in pureblood lycan fighting style and werewolf hunting style, but has a happy medium of skills that go in between. Even though he is known as a hunter of lesser breed/controlled werewolves, he is also known for not confronting other races…at all. During the famous recent vampire vs werewolf fight, he is known for stabbing the strong arm of the werewolf posse in the back before doing a pathetic back down from the vampire posse, which has brought some disgrace to his family. [b]Special Power/Weapon:[/b] Pure blood lycanthropy~! As well…doesn’t hunt werewolves, but instead uses wolf’s bane perfume to attract the lesser lycans to him before poisoning them with a wolf’s bane gas, wears a custom animal gas mask to protect himself while he does so… [b]Other:[/b] Speaks Russian, French, and English fluently.[/hider][hider=Asher Smith]Name: Asher Smith. Age: 23. Race: Shard of Archon. (To be explained in history.) Appearance: Standing at the height of 5'11" and boasting moderate muscles across his body Asher is in pretty good shape. That said, his muscles are quite lean and, combined with his naturally slender form, are rather difficult to see unless he were to remove his shirt. Doing so would end up revealing a number of scars on his upper body, some no more than small, shallow scratches from where something only narrowly caused him injury. Others are much more noticeable however, such as a good portion of the left side of his chest that is bright red, the leftover of a serious burn. Those are not the only scars he has, but the burn is the most noticeable of them. The rest of Asher's skin is a lightly tanned tone, having your usual spots and minor blemishes scattered about like any other person. His hair is a dirty blonde colour and is what I'd call a medium length, being relatively thick with a fringe that almost gets into his eyes, at the back only brushing against his neck. It's naturally straight and is styled the same as if he'd simply run his hands through it in the morning and left it, which he does, so essentially it's just messy. Asher's eyes are a cold, steel grey colour while the rest of his face is just, in general, fairly good looking. All in all he could probably be called pretty handsome. His outfits are generally pretty casual, throwing on jeans, cargo pants, T-shirts, sneakers, whatever. Although sometimes a casual outfit doesn't quite cut it when he's in the midst of hunting something, or someone, particularly dangerous. When the time for subtle stalking in public is over, Asher will gear up with thick clothes, tactical armour (generally just a vest, unless he really needs more), a full-face mask/helmet and enough firepower to take on a police station solo. Of course, all that only comes out when it's time to take off the gloves of subtlety, which is rather rare in an urban environment. After all, can't have the normal folk getting caught up in things they shouldn't, right? Personality: To be revealed through roleplay. History: Many, many centuries ago there was a man. A man of great, terrifying power who could practically bend reality on whims. This man, this being, was known as the Archon. Who he was, what he was and even what he did has long since been lost to the mists of time, forgotten to all but a few in our modern day. However, not even they know what happened to this incredibly powerful individual, only that somewhere in their precious documents he just seemed to... Vanish. The truth is that he tried to do something beyond even his own immense power, and the result was his death and the dispersal of his abilities. But unlike others, his power did not simply vanish into the winds, it was split into countless shards of ethereal energy that scattered to the four corners of the globe, forgotten and lost. Until about twenty years ago. When Asher was a mere three years old, just an ordinary toddler, the Shards of the Archon awoke. Seven-thousand, three-hundred and ninety-two normal humans all around the world, ages ranging anywhere between eighty to only a few months old, had a Shard awaken inside them. Each was granted a tiny portion of the Archon's power, granting them minor magical abilities that, truth be told, were little better than, say, lighting a fire at the end of your thumb. Asher was, of course, one of these people, and coincidentally his 'gift' was to create a flame at the tip of his finger. Rather, he could create a flame roughly that size and manipulate it, but anything else was beyond him. Each and every one of the Shards had a number engrained in their brain, one they could never forget. The exact number of all remaining Shard carriers in the world. It wasn't long before that number began counting down. Every time a Shard holder died, or was killed, the number decreased, and the power they had exited their corpse and was absorbed into the closest Shard holder to where they had died, even if they were hundreds of miles away. This boosted the power of the 'lucky' Shard holder, either boosting their original magic type or granting them another. When the smarter Shards figured this out, how could they not start trying to increase their magical power? Thus began Asher's life. Where his childhood was mostly uneventful, save him accidentally setting a few things on fire, it really began to pick up when he was twelve. That was when he had his first encounter with another Shard holder. While there was no special 'sense' for Shards to find or recognize one-another, there were still those who were pretty good at piecing things together. Little stories, news articles, even rumours of people doing unusual things, and they started to find each other. Asher was lucky that his first encounter was with another child, one his own age, and one who'd been his friend since he started school. I won't explain what happened, only that the end of the encounter resulted in the other child dead, pushed by Asher off the edge of a ravine, and Asher with multiple wounds from where the other kid had tried stabbing him with a kitchen knife. Somehow he got away with it (even if it WAS self-defence) and, as the number clicked down, he felt the energy flow into him. It was then he pieced it all together. After recovering he carried on as normal, except not quite. While he worked through school and your ordinary teenage life he started working on getting stronger, learning how to defend himself in a hand-to-hand fight, how to handle a gun and plenty more. He needed to be ready in case he ever met another Shard, and as luck would have it, he did. At the end of his senior year FIVE Shards came to his town at once, all separate from one-another and all investigating reports of an unusual series of fires being started in the area. Asher had been drawing them in. Again, I won't go into details, but things got pretty serious. Evidently some of the Shards had already killed others as their abilities were more advanced than Asher's were, so it was a good thing he lured them into fighting each other instead. One by one the Shards fell to each other, their combined energy flowing into the next, and the next, until only one bloodied and burned Shard remained standing in a wrecked battlefield. It was also then that Asher put a rifle bullet through the Shard's head from his hiding place. The youth found his way into the company of Hunters by sheer luck, learning of how vast the supernatural world truly was, that he and his kind were not the only things out there, and there were people not like him who would hunt them down. Keeping his magic secret, for good reason, Asher hunted with them for some time, on the rare occasion even coming across another of the Shards. Only once did another hunter witness him absorbing the energy from a fallen Shard they had killed, and so Asher killed him and placed the blame on the dead Shard. After a few years he went out on his own, to hunt without others, and to find the rest of his 'brothers and sisters'. The current count of living Shards remaining is 583. Personally, Asher has absorbed the power of 968 Shards out of the grand total of 7392 that exist. Special Power/Weapon: Asher's primary magic is fire, and it is pretty damn powerful. He also has Arcane magic, which is essentially a non-elemental 'raw magic'. Normally used for things like barriers, plain energy spheres and the like. He also has a very low amount of lightning magic and wind magic. Low enough that it wouldn't be useful in combat. Other: Since I understand the potential for becoming OP I won't be bringing in any other Shards myself. Instead, I leave that up to you, so you're basically controlling any power upgrades Asher might receive. (and even then only after a significant fight!)[/hider] CS: Name: Age: Race Appearance: Personality: History: Special Power/Weapon: Other: