[b]James MacFusty[/b] Jimmy, who was at the tail end of the line when it started, stared at the dog for a few moments from his position a few metres away from it. He had the fortunate experience of being [i]after[/i] Jordan Mason who was thrown off into the distance by the power of the great beast's head. What the..? Well, what had seemed at first to be a boring lesson was certainly livening up. Reaching the front of the queue, he didn't make any moves to pat the dog – just stared flatly at it, his arms folded behind his back. The creature stared back, pulling into a sitting position with its eyes warily set on the boy in front of it. "Yeah, that's right... you better be scared," he said with a laugh, sauntering over to the group of Hufflepuffs he vaguely knew. Scrubbles growled at his retreating back. "Tessa Anne Goffe! How's my second favourite Quiddich player? The first being myself, of course.." he joked, completely ignoring the dog that, had it been human, would have been glaring daggers at him. As if in hindsight, he grinned at the other Hufflepuff chaser, too. "No offense, Elizabeth. You're still third."