[quote=SwordfishKnight] Yes. She is. Let's hope she doesn't get the wrong idea about Chiaki and Noboru. [/quote] A half-naked boy comes running out of a room with a blushing girl in tow who presses his apparent clothes into his hands - with loud music having been coming from the room just previously? Nope, no wrong ideas to be had there at all. [quote=SwordfishKnight] Also, would you prefer Noboru interact with the now mentally scarred Kotori? [/quote] Considering her apparent Ecchi-Protag status, I'd say we'd need at least half an episode worth of misunderstandings to follow. On the other hand, given that she'd probably just head off into town and thus would have to employ the age old technique of Walking Into People (100% effective!) for interaction - it would probably be convenient, if Noboru isn't planning on pulling a dramatic run-after-the-girl moment. Also, for hilarity's sake.