[b]Elizabeth Fontaine[/b] Beth grimaced at the sight of the Ravenclaw that got thrown into the trees. She hadn't expected for Scrubbles to be that strong, but what she hadn't expected even more was the headmaster and his deputy's arrival. The sight of them caused an involuntary smile to find its way to Beth's lips. The headmaster was a man Beth felt gratitude towards, considering that she would not have had a second chance to study magic if it hadn't been for his kind heart. "I hope there's no pop quiz or anything," she whispered to Tessa. She didn't want to look like a mess in front of the headmaster by having a blank mind when asked a question... Or by being thrown to the trees as the Ravenclaw had done. Beth arched a brow as MacFusty approached them, slyly smirking at Tessa. She tossed a faux-hurt look towards him as she gasped, "For shame, James. And here I was thinking I'm your favourite." She gave Tessa a teasing glare before turning to Ryan and grinning. "I'm still you favourite Quidditch player, right? You're not going to betray me like these two."