So I actually did (against my better judgment) draft a post for this thread, and the server ate it. Probably not a huge loss. Mostly I was rehashing things I've already explained multiple times, re the apparent disconnect between the laws of the Old Testament (and ensuing interactions between mankind and omnipotent deity) and the covenant of forgiveness in the New Testament (and ensuing ennui between omnipotent deity and mankind). My frustration is that, no matter how many times I walk people through this, the message gets washed away by the empty blanket of 'Well common sense/science/modern enlightened whatever says no.' My main argument now would be, if something is keeping you from learning, that obstacle is probably not 'sense' of any kind. A scientific approach to the supernatural cannot simply ignore a rational discourse, and subsequently use that ignorance as evidence. TLDR we've been through this, Magnum, a lot actually, and a smart person would stop and consider what it is that's keeping him from hearing (and thus, from considering) the other side of the coin. To the OP and the idea in general -- is it not possible that, with the advancements of human society since 6000+ years ago (strictly speaking in biblical terms here), we simply don't [i]require[/i] the same celestial oversight that biblical figures did? There are pages and pages and pages of Levitical code dedicated to the prevention of infectious plagues -- we've got doctors now, God doesn't need to tell us which scabs to pick and which ones to leave alone anymore.