[B]"...And finally Marianne Delacroix, with whom we are all familiar."[/B]Lady Ophelia said, introducing her to the rest of the mages. [B]"It's an honor to have you with us again, Lady Delacroix."[/B] Queen Aria said, smiling. Giggling quietly, she returned the Queen's smile. [B]"Ze 'onor is all mine, Queen Aria."[/B] she said as she bowed her head slightly toward the Royal Court. Her black hair cascading over her shoulder as she did. Curiosity getting the better of her, she turned in her seat to examine the other occupants in the room. Her dark-brown eyes slowly scanning, she gave each person a few seconds of her attention in an attempt to pinpoint their School of Magic. She had arrived before a few of the other mages and sadly missed their introduction. But, she had the feeling she would get to know the others some time very soon. Eyes first falling on a young girl with a rather large hammer falling asleep at the far end of the table she tapped on her chin with a finger. She felt she knew the young mage from somewhere but couldn't place exactly how she knew her. Shrugging absently, she continued. [Fiona] Turning next to the troublesome mage with the two ghastly guards, she immediately determined him to be a Necromancer. The mage dismissed his two guards. Already he was causing issues with the Royal Court seeming to have gotten into a disagreement with Lady Ophelia. [Damien] Next was the blind Mage who spoke with an accent she wasn't familiar with. It was hard for her to understand what he was exactly saying. He seemed to have an obsession with touching and feeling things. Taking note as he leaned against a wall, she would have to remember to avoid him. Or at least give him a few meters distance. [Khor] Standing in a spot that held a clear view of the entire room and the exit was another young woman. Her clothing was unlike anything Marianne had ever seen. The women didn't seem to speak much, then again not many of them did. [Elzbeth] Eying a rather nervous looking and fidgeting woman with her hair tied up in a bun, she took note of her plain appearance. This wild cast of characters appeared to have each come from drastically different backgrounds. Everyone seemed to be anxious and quiet, save for a few of the other Mages. What exactly was going on? Each of the Mages appeared to be from different schools of Magic. What exactly is the Royal Court up to? [Mia] Turning next to a 'feathered-man' whose eyes were firmly trained on the ground, her eyes couldn't help but brighten and she smiled in awe. The man picking feathers from his body seemed to be Druid. His body also unlike anything she had seen before, she grew excited. He seemed incredibly interesting to her. Though he seemed to be trying his best to just ignore all of them. [Rai] A man in worn and ragged looking garments then barged into the room, a rather large book slung over his back. He expressed his concern for being late and introduced himself as the keeper of the grand library of the city. He seemed rather clumsy/silly/goofy man, she couldn't help but giggle at him. Yet he appeared to be knowledgeable at the same time. Those of high intellect usually did have a certain level of klutz and clutter about them. [Marcus] Finally, following closely after one another, two others entered the room. A rather confused and angry woman came in, immediately taking a spot against the wall to scowl at them all. [Eyrie] After her, a happy and ephemeral man walked straight to the nearest window. Passing right through solid objects and other people in the room as he walked, he perched on the windowsill as he continued to smile disturbingly in silence. His teeth white and gleaming. [Sebastian] Frowning, she turned straight forward to face the king and placed her hands on the table. Looking at the large map once again, she decided that she was patient enough up until this point and cleared her throat. [B]"Ahem. Je m'excuse. Your Ma-jes-ty? If I may 'ave per-mission to speak?"[/B] She quickly looked around the room once more before continuing. [B]"I am sure zis question is up-on every-one's mind. But, why 'ave you gathered mages from nearly every school 'ere?"[/B] Tapping a finger on the large map on the table, she pressed on. Her eyes staring hard at the King. [B]"Does zis 'ave any-zing to do wis zis map? I 'ave 'eard rumors regard-ing ze state of ze Kingdom from ze rest of ze Delacroix family...[/B] She paused, looking to the other members of the Royal Court [B]"What I 'ave 'eard is very dark. C'est tres mal. Does zis gather-ing 'ave any-thing to do wis zat? Why 'ave you gathered us 'ere?"[/B] she asked again. Her brow heavy with concern. Exactly what was going on that was so grave that the king needed to secretly gather mages from the various different Schools?