[indent]I would like to note,[/indent] This is my first roleplay I've ever done, on any site. I'm testing the waters, so please give me some time to adjust. I've never done this before, and I'm more than likely to mess up somewhere. [indent]On another note,[/indent] This is going to be a pretty pointless roleplay. I don't have a "goal" in mind for finishing it. That is something I feel can be worked on as the roleplay develops and the general purpose becomes more clear. Until that point, bear with loads of pointless information, content, actions, and seemingly meaningless plot turns, flips, and barrel rolls. I've yet to decide what I want out of this roleplay. [center]Welcome to Deepwinter.[/center] You are a student studying in England. However, it's not quite as simple as it seems. You've been granted the ability, whether a gift or curse, to control certain points of the reality around you. Most call this magic, however you identify yourselves as; "Reality Benders". You've managed to control this ability, at least enough to be functional. However, you wish to further harness your abilities. So, you've found a place where the other RBs gather, to gain knowledge, and share what they can. This is a safe haven. Furthermore, some of the RBs have decided that they're a "master race" of sorts, and need to destroy the "normal" population. [center]Rules[/center] [quote]Your granted a maximum of 2 abilities. Your abilities need to have 1 downside each, to balance it out. Character appearances must be image only, and anime is allowed, and promoted. The minimum age you're allocated is 17, and the maximum is 19 (to prevent pedophiliac in-character relationships, and maintain a sense of realism.) No more than fade to black. "Kissing" allowed, but no detail please.[/quote] [center]Character Applications[/center] Name: Age: Appearance: History: Personality: Ability(ies): Downside(s): Affinity: (With or against humans) [hider=My Character]Name: Alex Jackson Age: 18 Appearance: [img=http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/315/6/d/anime_boy_1__render__by_minchan_lee-d6tvnz0.png] History: Alex grew up in the UK, living mostly in London. His family was mostly well off, and provided him a decent education, however this didn't stop Alex from going out and doing drugs, partying and the like. Quickly the partying turned into a habit, and Alex lived this way for roughly 2 years. He's since quit most of the drugs, and is living in Deepwinter. Personality: Alex is a fighter. He's got a very short fuse, and is quite easy to set off. This is partly due to drug abuse as a teenager. While he is very aggressive, he is also very passionate, and and when finds things he loves, he loves them with his all. Abilities: Shadow and sound manipulation. Combining these two abilities, Alex has managed to become a sort of "ninja". He can manipulate shadows, literally becoming just a shadow hidden in a dark corner, while creating sound elsewhere, distracting his opponent. He prefers fighting at night, when it is easy to become disorientated. If Alex trains enough, his shadow manipulation abilities could develop into darkness manipulation, and his sound abilities could manifest itself into such a powerhouse that it could rip atoms apart from pure vibrations. Downsides: Alex is very vulnerable in the day, and in water. Because of this, Alex avoids places like the beach, or pools. This causes him to be socially deprivation making him lack companionship. Affinity: Alex supports humans remaining alive.[/hider] [center]NOTE: This is NOT a romance roleplay, however I highly encourage character interaction of any type. I have absolutely no problem with romance in roleplay, however I do not want it to be a main point.[/center]