[img=http://doctorbulldog.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/vivosdome2.jpg] ((Center Room)) Thieves Inc. Act 1: 52 Card Pickup Booker looked around the new room of the New York City base.Subway cars could be heard above them giving away the location as somewhere under the city. . After what had happened before he was not in the mood to have to redo everything. After his last attempt at this he thought it a miracle he could get this going. He was not going to flee and or burn down this guild. Not again and he would die before losing everything. Course he did not like thinking about that. Not after all he had lost. He had just come out of the gym, his favorite place in the base. He was always in there and it seemed important to him. The gym was the only place in the base not as modern as the center room. He liked how it looked. The boxing ring in the center had a bit of emotional significance but that was a story for a later day. \ His new recruits were coming in today. He had to keep a professional attitude as he waited even though he was excited. Though most had the same story or so he thought. Some sort of thing led them to a life of robbery and thus to him. He had met the Mute. He had once managed to get his name out of him but did not say it out of respect. He had no idea where his second in command was and that seemed to be common. He looked around the room trying to figure out where he had gone. Maybe he was in the apartment area of the base. Booker had spent a good deal of time and money fixing this place up. He grabbed a seat by the projector and awaited his new recruits. Most of them would know who he was since he had met them all in person with out his mask. He had told them how to get here to the base. It was simple just follow the red line till they found the location. A nondescript door in the wall with symbol of Hermes on the door. It was a show that this was a place for thieves. Course the security in the door would keep them safe.. He would know who they were instantly. Two to them had tried to rob him and the others had either done the same or impressed him enough to earn them an invitation. He was waiting for them now.