[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/gq61IN0.jpg[/IMG][/center] Noticing that Numair appeared slightly irked by the fact that she tossed in her two cents at the emphasis on following [i]their[/i] rules, she hoped that they wouldn't be too offended. Besides, the humans were just being extra cautious because of the fact that the Hooded Figures have already caused them harm in the past. It was established that no one had the right to wield Gary's pole and that did put her mind at ease a bit. The metal rod was the very thing that had injured their members during their first fight. Fumbling with the hem of her sleeve, Jasper wondered if she were the only one willing to join the group. When the sudden screech of a chair being pushed back erupted, she looked to see Inadi stalking off into the woods with a troubled look. Biting on her bottom lip, she knew it was probably a reaction of her decision to join the other side. At the thought of the group becoming split up and her being separated from Inadi, she accidentally nipped her lip a little too hard and pierced the flesh lightly; the taste of blood washed over her tongue. after some time had passed, Jasper was beginning to worry about Inadi being all alone out there in the woods, but he returned promptly before she was about to slip out of her chair and search him out. [b]Inadi:[/b] “The Queen has been using us to practically entertain herself. She knew we would turn, and said nothing of it to us. And all those feasts. Maybe that was her way of trying to keep us here longer so we would lose our memories. Well I'm sick of being someone's pawn. I'm no tool to be used for someone else's desires.” When he hauled a his chair towards her, a wave of relief washed over her worrisome thoughts. She couldn't believe he joined and she was glad that they weren't being separated. This issue would surely break up their [i]family[/i] and she was really hoping that the others would realize the advantages in taking the offer. Glancing down at Inadi, she noticed that the flesh around his eyes were a bit red and puffy. [i]'Was he crying?'[/i] Jasper then noticed some droplets on the male's glasses. Urged by instinct, she bent down beside him and wiped his tears with her sleeve. Wrapping her arms around him in a hug, she rested her chin on the crook of his neck. "It's going to be okay," she said as she rubbed his back comfortingly. Holding that position for a moment, she parted from him as Ran announced that he was fine with joining and so was Harper. Jasper began to grin slightly, maybe they weren't going to be broken up after all. Riley and Ace were in on it too and Jasper suddenly felt a surge of confidence. Noticing Harper's hesitance, she squeezed his arm reassuringly with a hopeful nod. They were all in this together and the HFs seemed humane now. All that was left for them in the deal was gains. [b]C[/b]: "Is it a deal?" "Seems like it," She stated as she glanced around the room at her companions. [b]Ace:[/b] "Till New Years Eve, eh? Hmph... Well obviously, we've come to a compromise. There's some sort of alliance here.. So if we have till then, why are we still sitting here? We've got places to be and things to collect." "I agree. We should get going as soon as possible. What's next on the list anyway?" Grabbing a cookie, she smiled at Sacha in acknowledgement of the person who helped make them. They were technically allies now, so it was a good first step at getting comfortable. Thinking back on the castle and the guides, she wondered how many of them knew what was actually going on. Like Martini, Song, or Brandy. did they know what happens to the humans? Something about the thought struck a sharp chord in her chest and made her ache inside. Just thought of being betrayed by someone she trusted so much was painful. although they had decided to join the HFs, she still had a zillion questions for the Queen and the guides and she was determined to have them answered... eventually.