[b]Name:[/b] Eyeless Jack [b]Race:[/b] Unknown [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Jack][IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/dxergz.png[/IMG][/hider] [b]Age:[/b] Unknown, appears in his 20s. [b]Gender:[/b] Male (persumed) [b]Bio[/b] Not much is known about "Eyeless Jack", a nickname given to him by the humans who encountered him after the phasing. He wears a mask and what appears to be a simple hoodie with jeans. After the phasing, he was often seen around Edge City, but only in people's shadows. Terrified humans reported it to the authorities, who managed to somehow capture Jack by closing him into a sort of container. Exactly how they managed to capture a being that can move between shadows was a surprise and shock even to the captors. After capture, he was moved to solitary confinement where he was monitored 24 hours a day to observe his strange "powers". Yet workers quit after seeing him in their nightmares, the eyeless masked face haunting them wherever they went. Some thought the confinement didn't confine him at all, and that he moved between the shadows of the people who monitored him, haunting them on their way home from work or, as stated earlier, in their dreams, yet he always reappeared in his cell. As of yet, he hasn't spoken a single word and instead makes silent, haunting, echoing noises when trying to communicate. In a microphone it comes out as earie static. Neither has he ever been physical or been seen moving at all. He just appears and disappears where he pleases, given the location has a shadow where he can materialize. Attempts and experiments have been made to remove all shadows in his cell, to see where he goes off to, but he simply vanishes, and reappears again when they turn the shadows back on. His strange abilities are currently being tested, and attempts of communication are being made so that Jack might join this new monster-hunting team. [b]Skills/Powers[/b] Jack does indeed have a physical form, yet he can choose not to have it visable when there's no shadows nearby. When there are shadows in a theorized 200 yards around him, he can move to any of them instantly, simply "phasing" out of existance and back on the new location. It is also theorized he can materialize himself in people's nightmares, where it is believed that he goes when he "vanishes" completely. His powers aren't physical. They are powers of the mind and of terror. What sort of creature he is isn't known yet, but he has power over mind and shadow. He can also shape a shadow and animate it in whatever way he wants. It may not be fast, but it is effective, as it can be made physical. A shadow made into a needle can stick a hole in someone's heart without anyone noticing. Yet he never uses his own body when fighting. He protects it with illusions and shaping shadows, and fights with the same abilities. Can be a tricky opponent to wrap your hands around. [b]Other Things of Interest[/b] Even though he hasn't spoken yet doesn't mean he cannot speak. Even though he has been "captured" doesn't mean he'd rather be somewhere else. Does not remember much about before the phasing.