[quote=SirBeowulf] Neat. Are these Sky Rails still travel..able? If they were like monorails, you could probably fix up a few enough to be able to travel around a lot easier. I think that would be pretty neat and it would allow for interesting encounters like skyscraper ambushes and bombardment from a sky rail. [/quote] I never thought of it that way actually. I was thinking more along the lines of pre-hail metropolitan usage, but post-hail utility (outside existing non-hail-stricken cities) never occurred to me. Your character in particular would be quite involved with them, wouldn't he? Speaking of the rails, I left out a few details because I passed out. They actually use a bunch Lummid projections on a thin rail to keep rail-faring vehicles suspended. The hard light's position is entirely dependent on the position and programming of its projector, so vehicles don't actually put much of a strain on the system at all. This definitely works because I am not a physicist and I do what I want! EDIT: I never actually answered your question. I will say yes they will work again if properly maintained. I'm sure Voyagers and caravaners would be interested in getting more of them working. However, they will not be [i]everywhere.[/i] Country roads and less-traveled highways would not need them. ANOTHER EDIT: I noticed stuff keeps getting cut off mid-sentence in my OOC edits. For instance, I had a whole paragraph on sky rails, and now there is a sentence and a half. The Guild is being funky lately, so weird shit keeps happening. If something looks cut-out, please inform me.