It must have been nearing supper time for the citizens of Rabanastre, as hinted by the way the sun was positioned in the sky. The smells in the air, aside from the dirty air and rancid body odor, there were hints of steak and veggies being cooked all over the city. For a one Caleb, his stomach was starting to react to such smells. It had been a good few hours since he had anything to eat. It was at least seven hours and after walking around all day, doing his usual fights with some of his best friends and rivals, Caleb worked up an appetite. As he continued to walk around the city, Caleb found himself at the South Gate, to which he went through. It was only then that he was just a few couple of yards away from the Giza Plains. At the first glance that he took with his auburn orbs, Caleb spotted nothing out of the ordinary. Sure he saw dark clouds, but he just assumed it was one of those days where the rain season was coming around. However, as Caleb would look a bit longer, he noticed that the dark clouds that he noticed from before were darker than the usual dark clouds that would gather above the plains. These were pure black, whereas the usual ones were more a dark grey-ish color. Before Caleb even got the chance to warn anyone or say anything about it, the black clouds not only were above Rabanastre, but from the ground, he saw shadows rise. Now, this wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, but these shadows soon took a physical form. They were small and they had insect-like antennas and even more to the bug similarities, their yellow eyes. They looked at Caleb with the emptiest of expressions. He wasn’t sure what to do, but as they grew in numbers, the screams of the people nearby set them off in a frenzy of attacking anyone who made a sound. When the little black bug-like things started attacking people, they would move within the shadows and their claws dug deep into nearly everyone who couldn’t get away. Even the Archadian Soldiers who were nearby and those who were willing to fight off these creatures were being put to death, one-by one. Caleb wasn’t sure what he should do. His mind was split, but in a most of hastful actions, he didn’t think. He sprang into action and using his fists alone, he went at the Heartless. One-by-one he punched out, causing each one of them fade into shadow particles. Caleb was getting into it as seen by the slight sparks of fire around his crimson-red gauntlets. Each hit he would give the shadows would ignite his fighting spirit, which in turn created a small stream of fire flowing around his gauntlets, so much so that it scared off the black bug-like creatures. [b]“That’s right! You better run!” [/b]Caleb shouted out as he saw the black shadows starting to retreat. Smiling as he thought he won, Caleb would then see that, from the ground, a big shadow was gathering. He stood in a fighting stance ready for whatever was going to come. However, as he would soon realize, the shadow wasn’t like any of the others. This one actually was many stories tall. Caleb officially was toast. Which was ironic since he’s the one that wields fire. Not thinking(he does that a lot), Caleb rushed forward to the tall, black shadow, fists up and logic completely vacant. Halfway through the distance between him and the tall shadow, Caleb found his movements have been stopped. Looking down to see what happened, he saw that darkness was starting to eat him up from the feet and upward. He tried and tried to get himself out from there, but like quicksand, it was the more he wiggled the more he seemed to sink. By the time one minute of him wiggling passed, Caleb found himself halfway into the darkness and he eventually became enveloped completely, gone into the darkness and away from his home. ------ [b]“Wha-what?![/b] [B]SMASH[/B] The sounds of Caleb’s head and his entire body crashing into steel trashcans could be heard off in the distance as he indeed fell head-first from the sky. Caleb didn’t know what happened. He shook his head, but as he did that, he felt a sharp pain from his forehead. Whether it was the fall or whatever happened between the current moment and him being sunk into the darkness, Caleb knew that he just had a major headache at the current moment. He would struggle slightly to get out of the mess that were the trashcans and the trash that were in them. Eventually after a half of a minute, he got out only to see that he definitely wasn’t home. He didn’t know where he was. He saw odd lights and what seemed like shops of some kind. There were inns and a bunch of other buildings that he had no memory of. [b]“Damn, I wish I could remember.”[/b] Caleb said as he scratched his head and he yawned, arms above him and fingers stretching. That’s when he noticed a chain hitting his face. [b]“What the fuck?!” [/b]He looked up and if it wasn’t in his hands, Caleb wouldn’t have believed it. [b]“What this giant key doing in my hand?”[/b] Before Caleb could answer himself, large key was gone and that same chain would be engraved on his right gauntlet. [b]“That was weird. I could have sworn that the key looked, it couldn’t be.”[/b] Caleb thought about it, but the thought soon left his mind and he looked around and he just would start walking to at least get some kind of indication on where he was.