The Doctor was looking at her "Doctor? seems like an odd name?" he still seemed rather confused. He didn't seem to think that was a name "Shouldn't I be Doctor somebody if that is my name." He found it odd if there was no more to his name. He had such a headache and was maybe thinking he should lay down. "We did? I don't remember... I don't seem to remember anything." he looked sad. She seemed like a nice person as well. He didn't even know who he was. He sits there letting her see his head, he seems to have a nasty bump where he hit his head. He could hear her muttering, He was rather lost and confused still, he wished he knew what had happened "Concussion..... no wonder my head hurts." He sighed. He wondered how hard he had even hit his head. It must have been rather hard. He closed his eyes for a moment. He was shaking and held his head more, he was dizzy and seemed to be muttering to himself. He looked rather tired and he felt sick. He assumed it was because of the concussion. He wanted to be back to himself. He felt empty and like a nobody. "Ship... next street over, Blue," He was hoping he wouldn't faint again. He was a bit shaken up from all that had happened. He closed his eyes more. "I want to sleep." He was breathing heavily and feeling very confused. "Don't know where my home is."